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Nov. 24th, 2011


Log: The twins make up and visit mom

Who: Castor and Pollux
When: November 19th, late [BACKDATED]
Where: A cemetery
What: Cas and Pol take time to visit their mother's grave just after their birthdays.
Warnings: Language, all around emo, creepy twin closeness...

Happy belated birthday brother... )

Nov. 21st, 2011


Narrative and Thread: Dave and Cas

Who: Dave; Dave, Cas, (possibly) Liv
What: Dave and Jeff Bridges converse, then Dave goes home to Cas for a little birthdayin’...
Where: The quarry, Liv’s
When: 11/20 (backdated)
Warnings: depression, self harm, God Squad, sappiness. Also the second half is mostly just an excuse for sex and angst.

Give me some’a that old-time religion )

That’s what I love about Sunday )

Nov. 16th, 2011


The One Where Artie Gets Hurt

Who: Artie and Melody, plus appearances by Castor, Brittany and Rachel
What: Dance rehearsal for McKinley High dance club's The Nutcracker
Where: Various parts of school
When: Wednesday, November 16 (after school)
Note: The hallway leading to the nurse's office is now a power-free zone until Thursday afternoon, thanks to the unsuspecting Melody!

Do wounds always bleed that much before they heal? )

Nov. 14th, 2011


Thread: Cas goes on a spirit walk. Sort of.

Who: Cas and Dave
When: 11/11 evening [BACKDATED]
Where: Oliva's neighborhood, all around Lima really.
What: Trying to straighten out his head while Dave follows in paranoia
Warnings: Continuous drug use, language, weirdness, standard Cas and Dave warnings.

I lost control of all my senses... )

Nov. 11th, 2011


Thread: Liv and Cas Hang Out

Who: Liv, Cas, and Dave
When: 11/11 evening
Where: Gilmore house
What: Liv wants to talk to Cas about Dave
Warnings: Mentions past non con, character depression, drugs? language

Nov. 9th, 2011


Thread: Love is all you need

Who: Cas, Dave, the cat
What: All is not well at the Bat Cave
Where: Dave’s house
When: November 2nd, Late afternoon-evening [BACKDATED]
Notes: Contains drug use, self harm, eating disorders and sexual content; standard Cas&Dave warnings apply.

Love is all you need. )


Thread: Jaime Takes Olivia to the hospital

Who: Jaime and Olivia and open to whomever wants to visit
When 11/08 evening
Where: Gilmores' and St. Rita's Medical Center In Lima
What: Jaime takes Olivia to the hospital
Warning: mentions past non con, lanugage
Texts to Cas and Rachel

Oct. 28th, 2011


Thread: Halloween Party @ Olivia's

Who: Errybody comin to the party!
Where: Gilmore House
When: Friday 10/28 evening, BYOB costumes required!
What: get your party on!
Warnings: language, drinking add your tags, ya'll

Oct. 23rd, 2011


Text and Thread: Boys-only party at Mike's!

Date: Oct 22 (backdated), evening
Characters: Glee boys + Dave, others if they get wind of it (no girls allowed!)
Location: cell phones, Mike's house
Warnings: language, underage drinking
Summary: Beer and DDR, need anything else be said?
You have (1) unread message )

Work hard, play hard, boys. )

((Please add your tags if your characters show up!))

Oct. 18th, 2011


Thread: Rachel's Future Meeting

Who: Rachel, whoever shows up to her meeting (add your tags, por favor)
When: 10/18, after Glee
Where: Choir Room
What: Rachel discusses her trip to the future, and shares what she's learned.

She knew they'd be skeptical, but she had proof )


Thread: Glee Practice

Who: New Directions, Mr. Schue
When: Oct. 18th, directly after school
Where: Choir Room
What: Tuesday meetings, invitationals loom nearer still


((Add yo' tags or Becky will cut you.))

Oct. 17th, 2011


Thread: Cas Does Stupid Stuff. A Lot.

Who: Cas, Pol, Dave
What: A life changing event or two.
When: Monday, October 17th, Early evening
Where: The twins' house, the hospital
Warnings: Death of NPCs, drug use, accidental overdose, strong language - IS ALL V. TRIGGERY PROLLY.

They're gone. )


Texts: Rachel calls a meeting

To the glee club, Ava, and Dave )

To Deb and Ramon )

Oct. 15th, 2011


Thread: A Little E Goes A Long Way

Who: The Gemini twins and Dave
What: The sharing of E and a little- okay a lot of kink.
When: Friday, October 14th, Evening
Where: Dave’s place
Warnings: Twincest, sex, drug use, most colorful orgasm ever - Look just consider it a warning for pretty much EVERYTHING except actual self-harm.

You bite me and you’re dead, motherfucker. )

Oct. 14th, 2011


Narrative/text to Cas/reaction post: Baby Steps

Who: Dave; Cas in text;
What: Confessional is anonymous for a reason
Where: Main boy's restroom, McKinley
When: 10/14, morning
Warnings: Language, a boy's public restroom, very very very minor references to self harm and drug use (both minuscule), obnoxiously huge text
Notes: The 11th was National Coming Out Day! So this is a few days late, but like Dave would know about that anyway. Feel free to add in your characters' reactions if they'd have a reason to be in the boy's restroom (so ladies, Kurt, you're probably out...)

For a good time, call... )

Oct. 8th, 2011


Party Thread & Texts

Who: Mercedes, Santana, Castor, Pollux, & Eoin
When: Saturday night to Sunday morning
Where: Columbus
What: Mercy gets her party on with a few folks
Warnings: Underaged drinking, drug usage, language

Cheers to the freakin' weekend )

Text to Santana )

Text to The Twins )

Text to Eoin )


Thread: Gemini Twins

Who: Cas & Pol
What: Pol reveals his powers.
When: Wednesday, October 5th, evening
Where: Their house
Warnings: Twincest. No, I’m not kidding.

He wasn’t supposed to be possessive, or jealous, the commune taught differently. )

Oct. 7th, 2011


Thread: Cas and Dave Do Things

Who: Cas & Dave
What: Sex pretty much
When: Tuesday, October 4th, evening
Where: Dave’s place
Warnings: Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex.

I think I love you, and I’m sorry I can’t say it when you can hear it. )

Oct. 6th, 2011


Text to Castor

Who: Dave, Cas
What: Family drama.
Where: Respective homes
When: 10/5, night

To: Sunshine

Go talk to your brother.

Oct. 5th, 2011


Narative: Pollux follows his twin

Date: Oct 4, evening (backdated)
Characters: Pollux, [From a distance] Castor and Dave
Location: Dave's house
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, lonliness
Summary: Pollux is left alone again while Castor gets laid.

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