
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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Posts Tagged: 'skins:+tea+marveli+%28iscrewgirls%29'

Jun. 22nd, 2016



Am I dead? I can't be dead. Mom and dad will freak out, and Bea...oh God...Bea! Without me, if mom, dad or Grandpa Damon don't kill her for what happened, Ultron will find a way to kill her. Send me back. Now.

Jun. 21st, 2016



Well... I guess I know what I'm worth.

I can't off myself. God knows I've tried.

So I'm gonna do the next best thing: go out and fuck around like the cheap piece of ass I am.

Filtered to Josh, Maya, Elle, Victor, and Haley

I want to die. I really do. I hate this fucking healing factor right now.




Baby, can we please make up already?

I miss you. And I'm horny as fuck.

Like, seriously. I'm SO. FUCKING. HORNY.



Question to anyone who might be interested...

So, my mom was "sent home" recently. Yes, it sucks, and yes, I'm a bit of a mess over it (not that anyone would notice right now). But I'm trying to look at the bright side.

Which is... I'm 18 now. No longer NEEDING a guardian.

And I now have an entire house (and a damn nice one) all to myself.

Since he'd already been staying part-time with me and mom, I'ma have Vic move in full-time as a roomie. But it's a big fucking house, folks.

Any other kids close to my age looking for a place to stay? All I ask for is a bare minimum of monetary contribution, and the promise that you won't wreck the goddamn place.

Looking for 2-3 more people. Friends preferred, but not required.

PS - We have an indoor pool, bitches.

Jun. 17th, 2016



I am a High School graduate. Woohoo!

Jun. 15th, 2016


Friends ( if you think you are then you probably are )

I wanna celebrate my birthday at Temptation this weekend.

Jun. 14th, 2016


Happy birthday to me.



Does anyone know where to go around here to get a tattoo?

I always said I'd never get a second one until I thought of something with real meaning to me... but I finally got it. So now I just need a place to go.

Jun. 12th, 2016



Filtered from kids

I need a good fuck. No strings and none of my existing friends.

My birthdays in two days. Who wants to bake me a cake?

Jun. 10th, 2016


I'm done with finals. Emma, let's celebrate with pizza. I don't have to work tonight.

May. 29th, 2016



I can't believe I graduate High School in a few weeks. I still have no idea what to major in when I enroll in College.

May. 15th, 2016



To Elle, Vic, Maya, Josh, and all my other friends going to prom tonight...

Be safe, have fun, and never take ONE MOMENT of your time together for granted. Because you never know how long you have.

Love you guys. Have fun, bitches.

EDIT - Oh yeah... And for fucks sake please don't get yourselves pregnant. I'm too goddamn young to be babysitting for your asses. Remember, ladies: you can't get pregnant if you take it up the duff!

Apr. 23rd, 2016


Happy Passover

Apr. 20th, 2016


Filtered to drug users

It's the best day of the year and I have some good shit. Who's gonna smoke it with me?



Happy 4/20 Day everyone!

Apr. 15th, 2016



I'm thinking of going to the bonfire. It might do me some good to meet mundies people.

Apr. 11th, 2016



Filtered from kids

I've seen a lot of people advertising that they're open for sex. Is that really how it's done now? and I didn't think I was from that far in the past. I tend to prefer a more charming approach.

Apr. 3rd, 2016



Tea, it looks like I'm coming home.

Apr. 1st, 2016



Who: Bea and Tea
When: Tuesday afternoon, after Bea and Elle talked.
Where: Bea and Shiklah's home
What: The aftermath of Bea's breakdown
Rating: Not sure, scene is ongoing

Read more... )

Mar. 29th, 2016



Has anyone seen Bea??? I saw her freaking the hell out earlier, crying and breaking shit, then she ran off and now I can't find her ANYWHERE.



I want to buy stuff. Anyone have something I can do for some quick cash?

Mar. 28th, 2016



Filtered from authorities

I found the B&B and finally got some sleep, but my purse showed up overnight so I may use my fake id to get an apartment of my own. It's not like I haven't spent the last seventeen years raising myself. Who needs a guardian?

Filtered from Valentine

So my brother is here, he's always been some kind of mythical figure I never thought I'd meet and I'm fairly certain he resents me. He's at least jealous, and I guess I kinda get that... but my life is nothing to be jealous of.

Filtered to Vampires

With Valentine and I both here, I kinda doubt we're the first... so who wants to fill me in on the blood situation? In L.A. there were a lot of different kinds of vampires so I'll give some information about me.

I'm what they call a Moroi. I have to eat normal food for nourishment and as long as I keep a regular diet of food, I only have to feed on blood every couple of days or so. I can go out in the sun, but it's uncomfortable, so I usually keep a night schedule as much as I can. I'm a senior, so I still have to go to school, but aside from that I usually sleep after school and stay up all night. If you have any other questions, I can do my best to answer them. Unlike most of my kind, I've never been around many of them. The ones who were in L.A. hate my parents so they kept their distance.

Mar. 25th, 2016



Jesus Harold Christ (Yes, I have decided that's what the "H" stands for) on a motherfucking popsicle stick.

Really, Dad? ANOTHER one?

Does every version of you in the multiverse go around knocking people up?

I need a fucking drink.

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Anyone see a girl that looks like me but younger? Goes by Emma?

Mar. 6th, 2016


I just finished watching a cheerleading competition and it made me wish we could leave this place to compete. We would beat all those bitches and come in first place every time.

Mar. 4th, 2016



Are their pills or legal drugs that I can take to stop the nightmares? Anytime I tried to sleep today I woke up screaming and probably gave my family a heart attack. Their are infants here and I don't want to scare them...

Feb. 27th, 2016



I​t seem​s​ this place has many nightclub. But it's doesn't seem to have one that is open to all-ages. f​e​ar not the door to Pandemonium Club is open to all.

Feb. 26th, 2016



[Who]: Anyone who wants to come!
[What]: Bonfire
[When]: Saturday Night
[Where]: The beach
[Status]: In progress- closed
[Rating]: PG-13

Read more... )

Feb. 23rd, 2016



So those interested in the bonfire, I'm gonna do it Saturday night, probably starting around sundown.

Filtered from authorizes

If someone can get their hands on some alcohol for it, that'd be awesome.

Feb. 20th, 2016



Blocked From Santana (spicysexter)

She's free now. What do I do?



My boyfriend is gone. Well, that sucks.

Feb. 16th, 2016



Okay, so, anyone got some advice for me?

Feb. 15th, 2016



I can't believe I'm finally eighteen. It feels so weird.

I just wish I was home so it meant something more..

Feb. 12th, 2016



While I still don't condone kidnapping, this place might actually not suck so much. No playing mom to my baby sister, the sibling I actually don't have too much of a problem with is here and I have a date tonight.

There is also a school I'm wanting to look into.

Though I do have to say that the time and technology is going to take some getting used to. And the music? I'm not sure I like the newer stuff that is coming out.

Feb. 11th, 2016



Why are people making such a big deal about Valentine's Day?

Feb. 10th, 2016



I think I am going to roll the biggest joint known to man.

Feb. 9th, 2016



It's not fair ​that I'm missing out on the best time to be in New Orleans and to top it off I just came across my bag's of beads to give to the lad​ies when I ask to see the​ir​ tits. Pl​u​s it​'s​ only one time a year that you get to see​ one of the oldest religious institutions in the worl​d get down. ​​

Feb. 2nd, 2016



I see so many people talking about signing up for school..

I wonder if it would be worth enlisting in public school for like four months.. It's nice to be able to work whenever I want, but I'd like to be able to make some friends there. Maybe take an art class or something.

Jan. 30th, 2016



I took Mr. Snuffles for his first walkies and got him a cute little sweater and puppy booties *-* He's sooooo cute

Jan. 28th, 2016



Locked from Authorities

Fuck school. I just had some pot brownies. I feel like a weight was lifted.

Jan. 25th, 2016



Locked from under 16s and any Rachel Berry

I think I am going to bust from sexual combustion.

I want Rachel so badly I think I am going to die.... not literally but OH my GOD.

Jan. 22nd, 2016



I got a hankerin' to hang out and have fun.

Maya, Riley, Elle? Any of you girls feel like doing anything after school?

Jan. 15th, 2016



We really need some old style clubs here. I miss dancing but I'm not used to this modern music. Or maybe some clubs should have some decade nights?

Jan. 13th, 2016



When I woke up on my 18th birthday, my biggest worry was getting into art school. The last three days have only become more complicated and more confusing and being here is just added on to the rest of that. I am so ready to wake up in my happy, normal life and for mom and Simon to be there.

Jan. 7th, 2016



I don't even think this is something I could have come up with on E.
I'm supposed to be in rehab.

Jan. 2nd, 2016



I'm still bored, so much for a good start to a new year.

Dec. 27th, 2015



Filtered from 21+ and 14 and below

So it sounds like there's not much going on in terms of epic parties for New Years so let's make one.

Party at the mansion on Dec 31st at 7 p.m. til whenever we feel like. BYOB.

Anyone want to volunteer to man the music?



Um...... anybody else hook up with a girl after too much drinking?

Dec. 23rd, 2015


Who: Tea and Bea
What: Reunited
Where: Bea's place
When: After Tea returns
Rating: TBD

Coming back from the dead was a pretty big deal. )