
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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April 12th, 2018



Ugh, I don't feel good in the slightest. I'm not sure what I caught, but it's wrecking havoc on my body. I can't keep anything down...hope I'm not getting the flu or anything because that would suck.



Okay guys, I've been doing a lot of thinking and because I'm really wanting to do a production in this place, I'm going to be holding auditions for wait for it...Phantom of the Opera. It will be held in the Community Theater NEXT Saturday starting at 11:00. Bring some sheet music, bring a monologue or something. I can't wait to see you all there.



Are there any classes about magic? I was going to magic school, but here, I want to continue my education. Or do we just attend regular school?



So what happened over the last week? There were people all over singing and stuff. Thank god that I didn't break out into song, that would have been terrible. Did someone cast a spell? Cause to the person that did, I applaud you. It really entertained me.



So Rachel is having auditions for a musical....hmmmm it might be intriguing to try and audition. It would at least give me something to do here.



[Filtered to King Erik]

I thought it might interest you to know that the oldest of the abomination had her children yesterday. Twins. With the man from your world focused on his new grandchildren, now would be a perfect time to strike while the iron is hot and go after the younger ones. The brat from my world is never far from the brat from your worlds side. I'd suggest taking all four, but it might be easier to subdue the smaller children first.



I want to go home. I miss Teddy.



Video Post: Remus Lupin

[Remus is sitting on his bed, fully aware he's being recorded as he plays his guitar and sings.]

Passing time with you in mind
It's a rather quiet night
Feel the ground against my back
Counting stars against the black
Thinking of another day
Wishing I was far away
Whether they were dreams or worries
You were there with me

Sister, I hear you laugh
My heart fills full up
Keep me please
Sister, when you cry
I feel your tears running down my face
Sister, Sister keep me...

Voice Post; Danny Tanner

[Danny starts singing to himself as he cleans.]




[This? It isn't a very happy little witch. She's read the welcome package and she doesn't like it. Doesn't like the idea of being somewhere else that takes her from her family. From Kol. So she's doing her best to keep a brave face on. Doing her best not to panic.]


[It's a stretch that he'd even be there. A stretch that anyone she knew would be there.]



Video Post; Kirsten Hummel

[Kirsten has been...processing her conversation with Finn and Quinn...and is reacting poorly. This is intentional]

"Now where's your picket fence love?
And where's that shiny car?
And did it ever get you far?
You've never seemed so tense love.
I've never seen you fall so hard.
Do you know where you are?



Am I going to be thrown out of that cannon?

I don't want to die! But Coach said the Cannons needed that money!