
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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August 10th, 2017



Filtered to Shiklah, Evo-Finn, and Darcy

Please forgive my earlier behavior. I had no right to be such a raving fucking thundercunt so ignorant to either of you, and acting that way not only is wrong, but it reflects badly on my mother, the Queen.

Would you permit me to make it up to you both? I could treat you to dinner or something.



Filtered to Mikaela, Rayne and Hope

So Alec asked me on an actual date and I'm trying to figure out how I feel about it.



I had just gotten back to the Institute, my brother will be worried about me again.



Filtered to Hannah

I've been thinking a lot. About myself, about you, and about the things I've been feeling.

I'm not good at this. Any of this. So excuse me is I don't word things as eloquently as some would.

But I like you. A lot. And I would really like to kiss you.



You really picked the wrong person to steal from their engagement party. Isabelle is going to kill you.



Who: Isabelle Lightwood and Simon Lewis
What: Date
When: Super backdated to after this
Where: Takis, then movie night at his place

Read more... )

So we are trapped here, and there is no way for us to return home?
My name is Legolas Thranduilion, Prince of the Woodland Realm.
Mae l'ovannen.

You can't bring me back here again!
Not when I'm supposed to be looking for Maia!



Send me and my fiancè back to our engagement party now.



When I said I had a date, that wasn't a cue for the purple mist to put me in the past.

Miach are you here?

Is the Institute even here yet? Or my parents?



Look, nobody is being honest with you if they say they actually like spending 5 years on Wrangel Island, but I do like being with my wife, no matter where that is, and right now that's there. I'd like to get back to her.



I have school, and my Auggie Doggie to get back to.



This gymnastics meet was really important. Like... getting into college important.



I read through all the information, and I've never heard of anything like this before. Is it really all true? People from different worlds and times?



What the hell.



Accidental Voice Post

What--I'm not trapped anymore? Hello? Who did this? Why am I here?



I can't be here. Ty needs me.



Voice Post

The Seelie Queen will have you pay dearly for this.

Andrew? I have Alessa, where is Miach. You can not take my child away from me.



I have to get back to work.



I got a beautiful piece done by my mom, and I love it.

cut for photo )



I finally get to actually marry this amazing girl who is way out of my league and you took me away from our engagement party? How is that going to look? Isabelle is going to kill me.



And now I have a headache.