
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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April 11th, 2017



Voice post

What is this? I was just overseas, and now I'm apparently in Maine?
I know I don't need to do wedding planning yet, but I'd kind of like to be with my fiancé.
Bucky? Steve?



What? I'm supposed to be -- Not here.
Wanda? Are you here? Steve?

Has anyone seen Steven? Steven Wakefield?



Well. I guess this is better than where I was.

Still don't like it. Wanda?



What is the meaning of this? This is not my estate.

This isn't even Sweet Valley. UGH.



Journal, I am devastated. As if being here wasn't bad enough, my quest to destroy Glee appears to be dealing with some unwanted assistance from my sweet Porcelain.

This is unacceptable. The only other person that is remotely allowed to join me in my quest to destroy that infernal club is Sue Sylvester. I won't stand for anyone less than the best.



Filtered from all Brittanys

I would love to know where Kurt gets off telling Brittany that there is no Santa Claus.

Do you have any idea how upset she was?



Kurt Hummel (porcelainlady)

If you EVER try to ruin Britt's beliefs again, I will ENDS YOU.



I can't believe that I'M more mature than Lady Face. When the fuck did that happen?



Glee/Lima filter

I don't care if he's my brother. I'm not letting him anywhere near my daughter.

I want to show him I mean that. WITH MY FISTS.



Noel Evans/Sam Evans


Hey, kiddo, I would like to ask you to stay away from Kurt Hummel, the (porcelainlady) one. Okay? I've asked Blair too, so it's fair all the way around.

His Sam

Babe, I asked the kids not to hang out with Kurt in any capacity. I just wanted to let you know, I mean, they're your kids, too.



I wonder if there would be any business if I opened a Luke's here.

I miss my little diner.



I always knew Hummel was a whiny little brat. I mean, look how he treated me!

I just never thought he would explode so dramatically. It's amusing sad.