
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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January 30th, 2017




Guess what I found at the foot of my bed today.



Hope is safe. She's in the hospital now but it's only for observation. She's absolutely perfect. Why anyone would want to harm a hair on her head I'll never understand.

I still can't believe that I died. How am I supposed to feel about this? I'm a monster. All I want to be is her mother.

baby Hope )

filtered to family and friends
Any of you can come see her if you want.

filtered to witches
That witch did something to my baby. Her father and I aren't able to hold her without causing us pain. I was wondering if any of you could try to help me.

(( ooc - For those that fall under both filtered just put double filter in the subject. ))



Does anyone know where I can create a lab? I have so many things I need to keep working on...



I think it's time for the first bonfire of the year, yeah? Certainly fucking cold enough for it.



So, apologies to anyone who might've smelled smoke last night and panicked.

I might've gotten a little angry during The Royal Rumble and set the dining room table on fire when The Boss lost.

And then the recliner (sorry, baby! I'll replace it tomorrow!) when Bayley lost.

And then the computer desk when Samoa Joe didn't debut.

Yeah... now that I think about it? Lotta fire. Sorry, folks.



Who: Robbie Reyes & Daisy Johnson
What: Aftermath of Lincoln's arrival
When: After Daisy's filtered post to Robbie
Where: Clock Tower
Warnings: Likely mention of character death and other heavy topics

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Who: Erin and Hayden
What: TBD
Where: Pack house
When: Now.
Warnings: None

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