
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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December 13th, 2016



Who: Kyle and Isabel
What: Friend time!
Where: Alex and Isabel's place
When: After her post
Warnings: None

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Blocked from Raza

[ forward dated to morning ]

Isabel Evans! What is Kyle Valenti doing sleeping on our couch? Hmm? Hmmmmm?



Filtered to Rebecca

We've talked about doing another date. Are you still interested, or is it uncomfortable now?



Who: Jason and Aria
What: Hanging out and watching movies
Where: Aria and Jason's apartment
When: Backdated to Sunday
Warnings: TBD

He was usually still there, so a part of her wondered (and hoped he wasn't) if he was having nightmares again. )



Filtered from Dominic

I feel like a really shitty friend right now, because a part of me is actually happy that Nikki isn't around. I mean... I miss her, but then if Dominic is here and she's not, then maybe something can actually happen.

Truth be told, I'd probably give up my chance at Dominic to have her here, but... is it bad that I kinda want to take advantage of the fact that she's not? It is, isn't it?

And then, if we do get together and she shows up... she'll get hurt. And that's the whole reason we haven't resolved the triangle in the first place.

Filtered to Dominic

So if you feel like having a study partner or anything, let me know? Now I'm making excuses to see him.



I have to get back to the Inn! They can't run the kitchen without me.



Who: Becca and Howard
What: Date #2
Where: Howard's place
When: Pre-dated to Friday
Warnings: TBD

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Filtered from Winchesters

So apparently one of my sons wants nothing to do with me. It's the one I'm carrying now, which I guess makes me feel worse. As I get close to the due date, I love this little boy more and more and to know that he grows up to hate me hurts more than I can say.

Filtered to the extended Winchester family*, plus James

John and I would like to invite all of you to Christmas dinner. I realize that for some of you, it might be a little weird given that I'm not the mother to some most of you. If it's uncomfortable for you, I understand, however you are welcome to come if you would like to. Still adjusting to his other kids, but I have to accept that they exist eventually.

Your families are all welcome to come as well. I know Dean won't be there, unless some Christmas miracle happens between now and then.

((* Anyone linked to the Winchesters--kids, grandkids, cousins, etc can see this.))



Who: Alec Lightwood [info]thatswhite & Lydia Lightwood [info]mademyownpath
What: Date Night
When: Monday Night
Where: Around Town
Status: In progress - closed
Rating: TBD

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What the fuck? This isn't Mexico.



Filtered from Winchesters

Okay... so.... FUCK. I need.... there isn't enough Jack on this planet..... I wish Cas was here..... I really need to talk to him.



Jude? Jude, please tell me you're still here.....




Maybe I'm a psychic, because I can see my near future... and it involves whiskey, karaoke, and dancing until I collapse.

Who's with me?



This place is still.... I wish I knew what was going on here. It's.... it's really hard to keep it all straight. And I miss Beacon Hills.



Okay. I know I didn't... this is not where I went to bed.....

I.... I'm not in the mood for this.



If all goes well with my interview, you're looking at the newest police officer in Storybrooke. Dad would be proud if he was here.


Question. Well a couple.



Where are the best french fries in town? Or well, I'll take any french fries.

Filtered to Sam

I took in a kid... my kid, apparently. What do I do?



Filtered to Arizona Robbins

Hey, you around? Kinda... kinda wanted to talk to ya.



It doesn't snow on Neverland, I'm so not used to this freezing weather.



One of my best friends has no idea who I am. Sometimes, I really hate this place.



There's nothing like having to tell your big sister your parents got a divorce.



So I come out to drink and dance with my sister then she ditches me when it was her idea. Someone save this night for me.



Who: Zola and Willow
What: Drinking and dancing
Where: The Rabbit Hole?
When: After her post
Warnings: TBD

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Storybrooke, this isn't funny. I know it was summer and there was no chance of coming back in weather appropriate clothes, but could you have at least have waited until I had gotten out of bed and gotten dressed so I had more of a chance to not be freezing my butt off?