
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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October 13th, 2015



Bucky and I saw a wolf while we were out. I don't know if it's dangerous, so be careful if you go out.



I never thought I would miss Point Place like this. But at least I had Steven there... even if I wasn't sure where we stood in our relationship.



Filtered to all Evolved Humans, even pre Reborn.

I wish I didn't even need to do this, but it seems common sense is lacking around here

Hello, my name is Angela Petrelli, and I am like you. And I have been for over 60 years.

I realize this place is different than our world, the world where we came from. Where we are hunted. But I must urge you all, for the sake of our kind, we must still practice a bit of caution.

The blood tests may not be happening now, the people who sought after us may be gone. But that doesn't mean they will not show up. And if they do, I don't want one of the other humans to tell them "oh yeah, I know someone like that, he/she lives at blah blah blah..."

This network allows us to use filters, I've set this one up. I've added everyone that I know is evolved, and I urge you all to add in anyone you know that is not on the list yet. If we keep it up to date, we can communicate about our powers as necessary.

That being said, I live at [address]. And if any of you have questions or just need to talk, I am always happy to help. If I should be away, my daughter lives there too, and you can speak to her as well.






...I was busy. I need to get the nine covens to take me seriously.



Filtered from Josh

So... anyone have a cheerleading uniform I can borrow for Halloween? I promise it will be returned in one piece. Or two. Every piece of the uniform will remain intact.



[Who]: Kol Mikaelson [info]assoverteacup & Davina Claire [info]embracethemagic
[What]: Going to get her
[When]: Her return
[Where]: The mansion then home.
[Status]: In progress- closed
[Rating]: TBD

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I think she's a wolf.



Private to Maggie Gilbert

Hey, gorgeous, do you still have your old cheer uniform?



My teacher sended my school pictures to the house, even though I has to home school now.

Here it is! )