
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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August 9th, 2015



Who: This group thread is open to everyone. Please don't be shy. Use this as an excuses to throw your muse(s) at anyone and everyone.
What: A BBQ, wherein anyone, native or not to Storybrooke, can meet and eat.
Where: His brother's house. Mostly the backyard but possible in the front, in the house.
Status: Open and ongoing.
Rating: Probably generally pretty low, but it could go any which way.

Literally spent an hour trying to come up with clever cut text. Oh well. Onward. )



Michael [[info]atarmslength]

Liz says she's found a house for all of us to live in here. She's also opening a diner and I'm going to be co-owner.



filtered; Maya Hart





Filtered to Shadowhunters

1. Class Five instructed by Jace One will be an advanced class. This Jace will help oversee the advanced while the other Jace (two) will with his permission oversee the beginning classes.

2. Elections for the Council. If you are interested in being on the Council please place your name under the appropriate category then we shall vote. If only one person signs up they will be accepted by acclimation.



So not looking forward to school starting next month.



[Who]: Shawn Hunter [info]gettingnervous & Katy Hart [info]pretendimfancy
[What]: Date
[When]: Sunday night
[Where]: TBD
[Status]: In progress- closed
[Rating]: Low

Read more... )



Filtered to The Women Who Run The Town

I... I am in need of help. I'm new here so I do not know your customs, but I need to know where I can find a male who can be trustworthy enough to protect me and keep other males from hurting me for the next five days. There is... I have an issue where I am vulnerable and weak and cannot use my Craft to protect myself. This usually isn't done, but none of my family males or guards arrived here with me.

Please. I need this help.



Who: Steve McGarrett and Veronica Mars ([info]originalenough)
What: Steve takes Veronica out for dinner.
When: Backdated to Saturday evening
Where: A restaurant.
Status: Closed and ongoing
Rating: Low. Will change if this changes.

...... )

Who: Liz, Maria, Michael, Max ( posting order )
What: A much needed conversation
Where: Liz and Max's apartment
When: The afternoon after this
Warning: Talk of death, war, and PTSD

Maria and Liz shared a look with each other as they cleaned up and they nodded. )