
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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May 25th, 2015



What the hell???

Where's... I mean... that other Earth was coming right towards ours, and now... where am I?

Oh god... Dad? Ganke? Anyone?



Alright, so... not sure how I ended up back on Earth, but I'm sure as hell not complaining.

However I ended up here, I admit I spent all last night looking up things I've missed.

1. Wrestlemania 6. What the hell? The Hulkster lost clean to The Ultimate freakin' Warrior? I call bullshit there.

2. Alyssa Milano. My childhood crush has grown up even hotter than I ever imagined. Holy SHIT. So glad I named my ship after her.

3. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH BILL COSBY??? My world is a hundred types of askew right now. I've no words.

4. KISS is still around? Seriously?

5. ...what the hell is an iPod?

I'm Peter Quill. And this planet is NOT how I remember it.



I really hope my new job doesn't randomly drug test.



Sometimes I wonder if I'll continue to be a dateless wonder. It's not like I expect to have the greatest love of my life, but a date might be nice.



Private to Tea Marvelli

You want to go to gay night at the club again?



Okay. Seriously. I never thought that I would hate somewhere more than Greendale. There really isn't anything to do here, is there?



I am missing my son's life. I really hate that. I hate not knowing what's happening to him.



Happy Memorial Day to any veterans there are.



Who: Neal and Sara
What: Meeting
When: After their conversation
Where: Diner
Status: In progress
Rating: TBD

He would have stood out anywhere )



What is the meaning of this?



Well... this is different.



No, no, no. I have to go back. I need to fix everything.



Having a wife is really fucking cool.