
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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March 14th, 2015



Does anyone know of a place that needs a security guard? It's what I was doing in Neptune.



Okay. This school is not as big as SVH. I am not sure that I like that.



The Puck that she's sleeping with


Private to Tea Marvelli [[info]iscrewgirls]

Hey underwear lady. Wanna make good on that shopping idea? I could use a buddy.



I just had a massive bomb dropped on me and I have two girls at home to take care of. This isn't going to work for me.



[ Backdated to just before sunrise. Erin is siting in the dark on a bed too large for her with Lady Bootsie in her lap and her doll by herside ]

I think my dad is gone. [ She said in barely a whisper ]



I am King Hans of Arendelle! How dare you do this to me!!



Voice Post

((You hear rifling as she looks through the papers, then everything, including the phone drops. She sounds panicked and confused and is calling out, not speaking directly into te phone.))

Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Where am I?

Will? Cecy? Gabriel?

[posted a few hours after sunset]

And things were just starting to get interesting back home.




I don't know what to think of having all of these 'twins' around. I don't think Sawyer is here anymore it's a shame, she was cool and didn't care that I killed people, but since then I've seen two more people who look like me. It wouldn't weird me out so much if I hadn't had a twin once it feels like Courtney is coming back to haunt me somehow, but I did and she's dead so now every lookalike is a reminder of that. So what if I'm the one who killed her, that isn't what matters.

I may need to see Dean again.



Voice Post

((In a Welsh accent, scared and confused. Not talking into the phone itself.))

W-where am I? Will? Gabe? Tessa? Please tell me that one of you is here somewhere.



Text to Damon [info]no_apology

[sent close to midnight]

» Just got back. Still getting texts.
» I'm fine.



Well this place isn't all bad, I have to admit.

Private to Ali (reallygoodlie)

Hey, Ali. You want to have a date night?



I am supremely bored. Would anyone want to go out and do something?



It's a lot harder than I thought it would be to not be able to go to my mom's grave. Not that I went a lot before.... but I knew I could.



This isn't...




Private to Bruce Banner

Hey, Doc.

You, me, drinks.

What do you say?



Our baby got groomed today. Isn't she precious? Such a good little girl too.

Cut for image, not filtered )



TW People

Okay. This is a roll call for anyone from any Beacon Hills universe. My name is Stiles Stiliniski, for those who don't know.



This isn't Beacon Hills.




My car mysteriously arrived this morning. The diamond was weird enough.
Now I just have to find where to hide the keys from Davina.



If anyone needs help navigating, I am able to assist. I know a lot of people have been arriving and leaving. My name is Regina Mills.



We just lost Nationals thanks to that stupid kiss. I'm not in the mood for this.



[Filtered to The 100 Fandom]

This is a roll call. Check in and tell me if you've been home or not. And I'm talking to all of you. I don't care how many versions of you or whatever. Check in. It's all on me now to look after you guys

Maya? Maya, are you here?




[A scream of rage is heard]

Bring them back! Bring them back NOW!



I know there are a few people here who know me, whether because they were organically from the same world as me, or I brought them with the mass of people in New York.
Not really gonna apologize for my actions, 'cause that's not me.
But I am done with the mayhem, death, all that stuff.

For those of you who don't know, I did willingly leave New York and go to a different dimension before this.
I'm just done with war, and losing people.

Yeah.. Rambling now.
I'm gonna go find a drink.