
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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March 2nd, 2015



Does anyone go to the college here? I'm trying to decide if I should take some classes there when the next set starts up, or do something for work..



I've seen a lot of people complain about being here, but maybe it's the whole "I'm dead at home" thing, I really don't mind it here.

Yeah, I would like for there to be more to do but try living in an entirely different century, you guys take a lot for granted it is what it is.

Filtered to Jeremy


Filtered to Kol [info]assoverteacup

Are you and the girlfriend free tomorrow?



There seem to have been a lot of arrivals, lately, so I'm going to try this, again.

Eric, are you here? Pam?



[Filtered to Kael]

We have a half sister here from another world. Technically I think we have like a mini army of them but I've only talked to this one. Wanna hang out with her sometime? She seems pretty cool.



The men in my life have absolutely no sense of humor.



Private to witches

I come from a coven, but only one here.

My family owned a chain of fresh herbs stores from were I'm from and I'm going to start a herb garden in the house I'm staying at.

Does anyone require any herbs? I've been invested in the family business since birth, I can grow about anything.



This place is never going to stop giving me a headache, is it?

So say that there is another version of one of my sisters out there, and that other version has a brother. Does that make her brother my brother as well in some weird, twisted, confusing way?

Filtered to Elena [info]shadowedangel, viewable to their Damon

I have a big test Friday and I'll be at a friend's place pretty late studying.

Or, actually, I'm having drinks with someone I just met.



I really need to find something else to do, that doesn't involve getting 100 year old dust in my sinuses.

Lex and I are no closer to finding a way home, I think I need to make some friends..

Anyone want a drinking buddy or something?

Filtered to Alexander DeMarco

How much do you adore me?
-insert eyelash batting here-



I'm curious: How many people felt strong attractions to other people a couple of weeks ago? I'm not sure if it was the same for everyone, but for me, I couldn't stop thinking about a certain person and I wanted to be around him all the time. This is embarrassing to admit publicly. I've heard it did happen to other people and I'm trying to figure out what the cause was.

Here is some of the information I am looking for:

Did you know the person beforehand or was it someone you had just met?

What kind of feelings did you have?

Did you still have those feelings after it wore off? Most likely on a lesser level?

I do understand that this is personal and that you might not feel comfortable talking about it, if there are any questions you would rather not answer, that's fine. Any information you can give would be helpful.

Filtered to Colin

Thank you for--
I had fun.

Thank you.



Who: Erika Benson & Maggie Gilbert
What: Drinking together
When: That night (After this)
Where: Erika's Apartment
Status: In progress- closed
Rating: TBD

Yes, Erika was bisexual, and she'd already learned how much other male hunters liked that. )



Filtered to Jace Herondale

You better love me.



characters: Ray and Felicity ([info]dye_it_blonde)
setting: His 2nd lap in their home.
summary: He causes the lights to flicker and Felicity lays the smack down.
rating/warnings: Medium to high.
status: Ongoing.

The time will come, when you'll have to rise above the best, improve yourself, your spirit never dies )



It's strange to think I'm a wife and mother in the future, but now that I've met my two future children, I wouldn't want it any other way.

[Her Klaus and her children]

I'm insisting on a family bonding night. Now. No questions asked.

[All the Hopes]

Hi. I realize in the majority of the futures out there your dad got your mom pregnant and you were born. In my world, I'm the one that ends up with Klaus. So, you have a half brother and sister out there. I'd like to invite you all over for dinner some night so you can get to know them.




Weird question but can I get pregnant? Like with this wolf thing, can I skip out on condoms or nah?