
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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January 24th, 2015



[Filtered to Octavia [info]1stontheground]

We should lay low for a while, keep to ourselves. Jus drein jus daun and it seems these people are hellbent on it. I don't want either of us caught in the crossfire.



Filtered to Clara

My niece is dead..



Who: Kol Mikaelson [info]metalotofpeople & Clara Forester [info]formergirlscout
What: Kol's upset
When: After the news about Hope's death
Where: Their place
Status: In progress-closed
Rating: Medium - Emotional

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I lost a family member last night, and while I haven't known any of them very long, Hope meant a lot to me. If I find out who did this, I will not hesitate to show you what happens when you mess with my family. Aunt Dahlia's training will come in handy.



And here I was thinking I would be bored here.

Time to get to work.

[Filtered to Police Station employees]
I want to help. This is what I do where I'm from.



Filtered to Moroi and Dhampir

Everyone's so angry and jumpy right now. Do you think we're in any danger?



I'm nursing a bit of a hangover today, if anyone really needs me I'll be at home. Please don't need me.



[Filtered to the Sheriff's Department]

Figured I'd hit you all up, though I'm specifically talking to the Sheriff here.

My name's Jeremiah Cassidy. I was a Special Agent for the FBI and I think you might need my help. Not to step on toes or anything, but there's clearly a murder case going on and you're clearly behind on the whole protecting the public thing. Because number 1 in protecting the public? Giving them info so they don't flip a shit.

So I don't have a job here - didn't really want one - but if you don't have enough warm bodies, I can be one. I got a lot of experience dealing with all sorts of stuff - "magic" types included, I guess. If you wanted to call it that.



Filtered to Hunters

Shit seems to be hitting the fan.

Who needs what?

Also - there seems to be a group of witches here. One looks like a baby faced me. DO NOT CONFUSE US.



characters: Laurel and Oliver [info]donetakingblame
setting: Granny's
summary: Meeting up
rating/warnings: Low
status: Ongoing

..... )



I'm unsure of the device that did this, but when I find out. I will destroy it and the marker.



I have to say that I'm glad I'm not on the receiving end of the Mikaelson family's wrath for once. This will be a manhunt I will enjoy watching.



Hey old man.

Your birthday only comes once a year and since we are together, ain't traveling, don't have a case, and not fighting.

What do you want to do today?



So I didn't know until today Was too busy being tortured in Hell to get my brothers birthdays.

But, happy birthday, Dean.



voice post

You probably don't know me but HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE DEAN.



How is magic possible? I've never heard of such a thing before.



Man, this place is beyond fucked up.

Is there anyone else here that recognizes the name Danvers besides not!Uncle Nick?



When I was sent out for my mission, I didn't think I'd end up here.



If it's at all possible, would we possibly adopt a policy finding out who did whatever crime against anyone before we threaten them? We get it, you're all very violent and angry, but it's getting boring hearing it over and over again, which, I believe is somewhat a dilution of your intended messages?

If you're all so very proactive, join the police force, they evidently need the help. And possibly allow the law decide the fate of your victim while you're at it.

Though that's bound to be asking too much. Wouldn't want to risk being civilised, would we?



Who: Adam Milligan [info]youcameforme & Zoe Hart [info]predestinedhart
What: Second/third date
When: Backdated to the 20th
Where: Meeting at Grany's then going for a walk
Status: In progress- closed
Rating: Low

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Magic brought me here? Good, then show me where its source is so I can take it for my own, and they can kneel! But most important. Or two most important things. One, where is my staff?! Those who stole it will pay most dearly. I can be quite.. creative.

Secondly, where is He-Man? We were to fight. And then, he was to die. After kneeling before me. And my godhood is gone now, fools responsible will pay Tell me where he is! You can't miss him. Tall, musclebound barbarian, yellow hair, bit dumb too, has a sword. I want him found and brought to me.



Elsa? King Hans? Where are you. Why is it Winter? It was just summer! Helllllllo?



Hmm, I have to say this is a very interesting turn of events.

Is there a lab or anything set up, I would like to look at a few things.



Perhaps we need to enforce a curfew until the killer has been caught.



[Filtered to Clarke Griffin]

I know she's got Lincoln, but could you keep an eye on Octavia for me?

I'm pulling a lot of extra hours with the sheriff's department. We're short-staffed as it is. I'll be staking out the family whose daughter was killed.

You be careful too