
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

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January 5th, 2015



Filtered to Mikaelsons (and the Hayleys)

Mom? Dad? Are you here?

And how many of us are there here anyway? Is it normal for there to be more than one of me? Like how I saw there's more than one Elijah.



Voice post;

[crying and clearly panicking]

Hello? Is - is someone there? Where's Brian? Where am I?



I saw people are looking into finding a way home. That's nice and all, but maybe not everyone wants to?

Deep thoughts at such an early hour. I need a run to clear my head.

[Laura Hale]
Might swing by later, if you're okay with that. And tell Derek to get out from under his rock. I heard he's here too.



Who's up for a game of foosball?

Anyone else wondering if there's a candy house around here somewhere?



I might be digging myself a hole I'm not ready to be in, but who are Elena and Katherine... or Katerina?



So that water thing was pretty cool and that ice sculpture thing in the forest is weird. But other than that? This place is a snooze-fest.

Step 1. People show up
Step 2. People freak out.
Step 3. Nothing happens.

Rinse and repeat.

Come on, Godzilla's gotta pop throw that portal at some point, right? Then at least we'd have some lizard action for entertainment.



I know everyone keeps saying magic has done this, but I see some doubt as to that fact as well. If it's not too prying, can I ask who all here actually believes in magic?

Alternatively, if you have other theories as to the portals and our arrival here, I would love to here those as well!



You know there's a war going on, right? At least, there was before- Kidnapping people and trapping them here isn't helping either side. Or is that the point? I really can't stand anti-war fanatics...



You don't realize how much work goes into surviving until you don't have to do it anymore. There's so much down time. Too much time to just sit and think Especially when you don't sleep a lot.



Everything about this place reeks of a strange, unfamiliar magic. While I would love to blame a certain brother of mine, I cannot imagine him doing something of this caliber. Unless this is Hell, and he is merely playing a game.



Showing up here, not a highlight of my year,

I was in a bikini, not cool.



Private to Faith Lehane

You up for some foosball?

Is someone playing games with me? I am so not in the mood.



Voice Post

This certainly isn't Arendelle.

...Hans? Um, King Hans.



Private to Derek Hale

Don't make me sniff you out, brother.

Just got here and already I'm back in school. I could have done with a few more days of vacation before another new school.



Uh... okay... so, I've heard that demons are real, but magic and alternate dimensions? That's new.

I don't suppose there's a Sam Winchester here?



I'm looking for Sara Lance, and I will take down anyone who gets in my way.



Ok, this? This is not okay. I was on the trail of something really dangerous back home and I need to get back immediately.



So, I've been doing some ecxploring of this place and it seems quite interesting.

However, I'm being told that because I'm not quite legal -- I just turned sixteen for Merlin's sake! -- that I need a guardian.

I need a guardian who isn't afraid of magic, though, since I'm a witch.

I also need to know if there is anything here like Hogwart's? I don't want to get behind on my studies.



Filtered to Dean ([info]purgatorynback)

Dean? Dean, are you here?



We should talk.



Well, this is most troubling. Ichabod?




This place seems to be growing...exponentially.

Do you find this as disturbing as I do? I'm afraid the portal is somehow gaining power.



[Filtered to the Octavias (because he can't pick just one!)]

This is so juvenile Just tell me I'm an idiot

Look, I know this is really childish and I know only one of you actually lives with me, but I need you to get Clarke off my back.