
In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

May 2021



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January 2nd, 2015



WHO: Fitzsimmons
WHAT: Trying to work through their problems
WHEN: Tonight
WHERE: Their townhouse
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )



Who: Adam Milligan & Zoe Hart
What: First date
When: After their network conversation
Where: Granny's Diner
Status: In progress-closed
Rating: Likely low

It had been a while since he'd been on a date )

Okay wow. I haven't had something like this happen to me in weeks. Anyone feel like giving a lost lamb some specifics?




Well...I talked to him. Sort of.


I...I snogged Fitz.

I'm...I'm very confused right now.



So yes. Lovely to be here. I love a good puzzle. Have no fear good people of all your respective locales! I'll get this sorted straight away. HOWEVER, I do need to find some things that are absolutely integral.

A screwdriver. Not just any screwdriver. It's sonic. Got a little blue light on it. Very important.

A big blue box. A bit like a phone booth, but it's a police box. Says so on the top. Also very, very important.



So there is someone here who looks like me. That hasn't happened before.



Does someone want to tell me how there are two Lissa Dragomirs here? And why one is three years older than me?




How's the security system coming?


Where are you living?




[ooc: please pretend this is in old norse. I am too lazy to find a translatable equivalent]

[sniffling, a quivering voice like he is crying is heard]

Hello? Where am I? I have to get back home or Mikael will be very angry. I need to be there to protect Niklaus from Mikael. Send me home!



So does this kind of thing--being pulled to random places happen often?

Elijah? Kaleb? Are either of you here?



So fairy tails are real.. We're in a place called 'Storybrooke' and there are people here, seemingly from different worlds..

The closest thing I could even think this might be is a Tulpa..



Well isn't this a surprise. Ten to One Harry's involved. hells bells where AM I?



I'm trying to calculate the probability that this could actually be real. So far, it doesn't look so good.



I am not amused.

Tatia?Charlotte? Any of my dear siblings?

Oh fuck not again. Santana? Puck? Please say you're here too.



What kind of trick is this?

I'm too damn thick to be up in all this cold weather, where am I going to find a jacket in my size?



They finally did it.


Holy shit.

Caroline, did they get you?

Sure the time I didn't want to go anywhere, they appear, just my effin luck.



Is this some kind of trick?

I...need to...this can't, I can't handle this.



Is this where everyone went when they disappeared? Mom? Raymie? Please tell me you're here.




[filtered to Clarke]

Clarke. We need to talk. Now.

[filtered to Octavia (both can see, because he doesn't know there are 2!)]

O? I need you to tell me that I'm not losing my damn mind.



voice post

[her voice is strained and uneven, but oddly calm]

.... Hello? Can anyone read me? I dunno this kind of-

I need help. What's happening?




I'm Heir to the Demon, he won't stand for this.



So I'm inside of my new house. Yay kidnappers who let us live wherever! So I'm in my house wondering what I should have for dinner when I start to think about why we're all trapped in this wonderful town!

Then it hits me. It hits me like a ten ton truck of iron bricks! The name of the town is Storybrooke!

Story, or stories are a bunch of tales, and truthful, and fictionalized written and oral accounts of things. Brooke is a female name standing for Brook, a small stream.

Storybrooke is a giant woman obsessed with stories! The only way to stop this is by telling her a story so horrible that she just sinks!

Or goes boom.

And we all get to go home, because fuck you is why.



This is not quite what I thought would happen.


Alright, people where is the nearest bar. This girl has some drinking to do.