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Apr. 2nd, 2014


Who: Rachel and Seddrinth and Bucky
Where: Rachel's apartment/Seddrinth's barn
What: Trying to calm down a dragon
When: Wednesday morning
Rating: High for language
Open: Nope
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Mar. 29th, 2014


Who: Tony and Bucky (kid) and many more
Where: The park
When: Saturday afternoon around 2pm
Rating: Low (at least it better be, it's a freaking kid's party)
Open: Yes! Multiple threads welcome!
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Mar. 16th, 2014


Who: Rachel and Bucky
Where: Rachel's apartment
What: Talking and reuniting.
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: High
Open: Nope
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~~ )

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Who: Isabel and Bucky
Where: Bucky's apartment
What: Drinking and talking
When: After this
Rating: Might be some language maybe
Open: Nope
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~ )

Feb. 27th, 2014


Who: Rachel and Bucky
Where: Bucky's apartment
What: Telling him the truth
When: Thursday evening
Rating: High just to be safe
Open: No
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Feb. 22nd, 2014


Who: JR Sully and Bucky Barnes
Where: The Pub
What: Shooting Pool, aka getting to know the brother-in-law to be.
When: Saturday night Feb 22
Rating: TBD, likely low
Open: Theoretically others could wander in and out, but ask first?
Status: Threaded scene, in progress.

~~~~~~~~ )

Feb. 21st, 2014


Who: Rachel and Bucky
Where: Bucky's apartment
What: A discussion
When: Friday evening
Rating: Better make it high just to be safe
Open: Nope
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~ )

Feb. 19th, 2014


Backdated to Feb 14th

Left on the nightstand beside Bucky's head. )

Feb. 16th, 2014


Who: Sook and open to: Izzy, Tom, Jake, Sarah, Rachel, Harry, Bucky, JR....
Where: The Big House
What: Sunday Dinner
When: Sunday 16th, afternoon 5.45pm
Rating: TBD
Open: See up there
Status: Ongoing/multiples encouraged so we don't get bogged down

Read more... )

Feb. 14th, 2014


Gift for Bucky (and Rachel)

Read more... )

Feb. 13th, 2014


Who: Darcy and Bruce and Everyone
What: Wedding!
Where: The park
When: Forward-dated to Friday, Feb. 14, mid-afternoon
Rating: variable depending on who's threading
Status: Open/Ongoing/Multiple threads encouraged

------------------ )

Feb. 11th, 2014


Who: Bucky and Peggy
Where: The cottage
What: Visiting, talking, possible hugs are to be had, snuggles if permitted
When: The 11th
Rating: Low, with Peggy, Bucky is a very good boy.
Open: Only to Steve, anyone else ask.
Status: On going
~-~-~-~-~ )

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Who: Rachel and Bucky
Where: Rachel's little apartment
What: Stuff
When: Sunday evening
Rating: It's them, come on.
Open: Nope
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jan. 28th, 2014


Who: TJ
Where: the cottage
What: snooping
When: Tuesday afternoon
Rating: TBD
Open: To residents of the cottage only
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jan. 26th, 2014


Who: Rachel and Bucky
Where: Bucky's apartment
What: A nightmare and talking
When: Sunday night/Monday morning
Rating: High for nudity and possible topic
Open: Not even remotely
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~ )

Jan. 19th, 2014


Who: Rachel and Bucky
Where: Bucky's apartment
What: Talking and stuff
When: Sunday morning
Rating: High because it's them
Open: Nope
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jan. 11th, 2014


Who: Bucky
Where: Rogers house (Steve and Peggy)
What: Coming home
When: Saturday
Rating: Meh we'll see
Open: To Steve or Peggy or both
Status: On going
~-~-~-~-~ )

Jan. 9th, 2014


Who: Rachel and Bucky
Where: Apartment 2404 C
What: Talking and things
When: After this
Rating: High to be safe
Open: Nein
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~ )

Dec. 30th, 2013


Who: Rachel, Sarah, Bucky, and Calleigh
Where: The hospital
What: tests and talking
When: Backdated to Saturday morning (12/28)
Rating: High for talk of girl things
Open: No
Status: ongoing
~~~~~~~ )

Dec. 24th, 2013


Who: Rachel and Bucky
Where: the diner
What: Actually talking
When: Tuesday evening
Rating: High for talk of girl things and such
Open: No
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~ )

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