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Jun. 8th, 2016


Who: Sookie Sully and Open!
What: Karaoke night!
Where: The thermal pools.
When: Tuesday evening to Wednesday morning.
Warnings: TBD
Open: Open, to multiple threads, sub-threads, everything.

.... )

May. 13th, 2016


Who: Sully Clan and the Omaticaya
Where: Pandora
What: Celebration of a successful hunt
When: Friday evening
Rating: TBD
Open: To all Jake's family and people
Status: Ongoing, multiple threads allowed and encouraged :D

OoC: What the hunt was like )

*~*~*~*~*~* )

May. 8th, 2016


Mother's Day Gifts

She helped Adele with the meals

And for her mother: A na'vi bracelet made to fit her mother when she's human.

Apr. 2nd, 2016


Who: Drew and the Sully’s
Where: His and Rachel’s place
What: Facing up
When: Today
Rating: TBD
Open: To Sully’s in all shades
Status: Ongoing

He had to talk to them )

Feb. 15th, 2016


Who: Spokie and Open!
Where: Weyr
What: Birthday BBQ
When: Backdated to Saturday
Open: Yes! To more than one thread! To threads with multiple characters! To Subthreads!
Warnings: Probably none, tbd.

...... )

Feb. 1st, 2016


Who: Adele and open to Sookie and Izzy! Also open to Sullys and their spouses/significant others! And those working at the bakery!
Where: Sookie and Adele's house.
When: Dated to whichever day Sookie and Izzy picked to go to the spa and whichever time they came back through the door.
What: The baby shower -
Open: See Above. Open to many threads/subthreads, before the shower, during and after.
Warnings: None.

...... )

Jan. 20th, 2016


Who: Sookie and open to Izzy, the Toms (Sr and Jr), the Jakes, Neytiri, Sarah, Harry, Rachel, Drew, JR, Shepherd, Juliet, Cristiano, Rhi, Tony, Kytana R, Jay and any other Sullys.
Where: The pool in the basement of the Sully house.
When: Daytime
Open: See above.
Warnings: None.

...... )

Dec. 30th, 2015


Who: Max, Anders and open
Where: Their place
What: Party down
When: Backdated to 24th running to the 1st, just put a date on your comments
Rating: TBD
Open: Yep
Status: Ongoing

Cooking for large parties )

Dec. 25th, 2015



To all Sullys/extended Sullys )


Presents and stuff )


Gifts, dated to Christmas Day

For her Mama and Aunt Izzy )
For all the other Sullys/extended Sullys )
For Ned, Will, Abigail, Anyone working at the bakery and their families )

Dec. 24th, 2015


Gifts, dated to Christmas morning.

For her Mom and Grandparents )
For all the Sullys )

Dec. 10th, 2015


Who: Sookie Sully and OPEN to other Sullys, extended Sullys, or even someone who might be in the Sully home accidentally.
Where: The Sully house
When: Forward dated to the morning.
What: Species change. She's a ghost like Merlyn Temple, but hasn't swapped with Merlyn. Characters won't be able to see or hear Sookie at first but will see words appear on the walls. She might figure out how to make herself visible and heard.
Warnings: Mentions of words written in blood, otherwise none. (the blood will disappear, no damage done to the house). She's panicking and she might scare someone, so possible language, and other warnings TBD.
Open: Yes to people in the house, or someone who was brought there by island weirdness.

.... )

Nov. 10th, 2015


Birthday Gifts to Tony and Tommy, from Izzy and Sookie Sully

For Tony )

For Tommy )

For Tony and Tommy )

Nov. 9th, 2015


Who: Tony Sully
Where: The house
What: Fooding and stuff
When: Backdated to Monday afternoon
Rating: Low
Open: To Sully house residents
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~ )

Nov. 8th, 2015


Who: Rachel and OPEN
Where: The Operahouse
When: Sunday afternoon
What: Just getting her voice ready by practicing her songs.
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13ish
Warnings: NONE

He's there the phantom of the opera )

Nov. 3rd, 2015


Who: Sookie Sully and OPEN
Where: Random Street
When: Evening
What: Curiosity about ghosts
Warnings: TBD
Open: Yes!

.... )

Oct. 30th, 2015


Who: Annie and Open
Where: The Pub
What: Halloween Party
When: Forward dated to tomorrow
Rating: TBD
Open: Yep
Status: Ongoing

Annie loved a party )

Sep. 13th, 2015


Who: Adele and open!
Where: The beach
When: Sunday afternoon.
What: Big birthday party, starting with a water gun fight, then cake and other traditional birthday things.
Warnings: None.
Open: Yes! To multiple threads!

.... )

Aug. 24th, 2015


Birthday Gifts!

For her Dad )

For both Jakes )

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