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May 30th, 2013

[info]weapon_x_23 in [info]spinningcompass

Who: Laura and ota
Where: A rooftop.
What: Keeping watch.
When: Evening.
Rating: Low, depending on who tags in.
Open: Yes
Status: On going
Still they try and break me! )

[info]nolofinwe in [info]spinningcompass

Who: Everyone meeting at Stark Tower
What: Laying battle plans.
Where: Stark Tower
When: Now
Warnings | Status: TBD | on going | ic/ooc

Hey guys! So I figured this would be a good place to have you tag in OOC with your IC responses about what your characters have to say at the war council. Fingolfin called everyone to battle and is willing to lead the fight, and he will rely heavily on your information about modern weaponry and arms in order to make sure the attack is successful.

If you want to have your character speak an opinion, argue, lay plans, or readily tell us how much they're not fighting these things and get some points for it, please do so here! If you want your characters to take an active role in bringing down our ugly robots please talk to each other and decide who does what.

I figure we can dispatch two teams to deal with each of the robots. So in your response let us know who will be on team 1 or team 2. If your characters have similar skills try to split them into teams so we have an even fight. Otherwise, ready, set, go!

Here are some things to think about: Who will lead the team and answer to Fingolfin? What is your plan to take down the robot? Who gets hurt? How? Does your plan end successfully or not?

OH one more thing. If you want your character to get hurt in this plot, it's probably a good idea to let everyone know here! And we can decide the how and when as a group.

[info]thekingkiller in [info]spinningcompass

Who: Kvothe & OTA
What: Arrival, robots, a lot of confusion and a rescue mission.
Where: The city proper
When: Late evening/early morning
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

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