Daily Scans
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Below are the 16 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
01:21 am [zechs27]
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Purge: Seconds To Die Four Scans of the sequel to Purge.
Tags: char: darth vader/anakin skywalker, creator: jim hall, creator: john ostrander, publisher: dark horse, title: star wars
08:22 pm [volksjager]
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The suicide squad sneaks into Israel ,leaves the uniforms at home.

( Read more... )
Tags: char: amanda waller, char: bronze tiger/ben turner, char: deadshot/floyd lawton, char: ravan, char: vixen/mari jiwe mccabe, creator: john ostrander, group: suicide squad, publisher: dc comics, title: suicide squad
10:19 pm [catbirdseat]
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Booster and Deadshot First, I bring you crossdressing!Booster,
( Please Gladys, I'm begging you! )
And secondly, a scan from the pages of Suicide Squad. I read this and wondered what was the deal with Deadshot and Batman, so I thought I'd ask this com.
( Or aren't you aware that you pull your shots around me? )
Tags: char: amanda waller, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: booster gold/michael jon carter, char: deadshot/floyd lawton, creator: john ostrander, theme: crossdressing, title: jla classified, title: suicide squad
07:37 pm [volksjager]
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The dead are rising and they want vengeance : Zombie Suicide Squad Halloween Week (superheroes)

This is from the excellent double sized 50th issue of the SS. It brought all the treads together from the original SS to the current teams. This book was all about very damaged people confronting their personal demons ,both hero and villain.
( Read more... )
Tags: char: amanda waller, char: bronze tiger/ben turner, char: captain boomerang/digger harkness, char: nightshade/eve arden, char: rick flag, creator: john ostrander, creator: kim yale, creator: luke mcdonnell, publisher: dc comics, theme: halloween, title: suicide squad
01:24 pm [kusonaga]
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Hell is cold: Captain Cold and the Suicide Squad Okay, so it's common knowledge that Flash's rogues were well represented among the Suicide Squad by Digger Harkness aka Captain Boomerang. However, old Boomerbutt wasn't the only one of Flash's perennial foes to 'volunteer' for this ragtag bunch. Leonard Snart, who you may know better as the cool, cruel Captain Cold, pitched in once or twice as well.

Two pages out of twenty-two from Suicide Squad #17 and #18 each. Credits for these pages go to John Ostrander's mighty pen and Luke McDonnell's thousand words. Scans are not mine.
Tags: creator: john ostrander, creator: luke mcdonnell, title: suicide squad
03:21 pm [kusonaga]
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Suicide Squad: No Man Escapes The Manhunters Here's a little something something for all you Millennium-loving readers out there: issue #9 of the Ostrander Suicide Squad series tied into little post-COIE crossover event and features the rank and file of DC villainy going up against the Manhunters. Alternatively, this post may be considered the 'Ballad of Slipknot'. Slipknot is an old Fury of Firestorm (penned at the time by Ostrander) foe, natch.
Round about four pages out of a 22-page tale. Credits go to John Ostrander on writing and Luke McDonnell on the pencils. Scans belong to two fellows operating under the nom de geurre of HaCsA and Grundy.

Tags: char: bronze tiger/ben turner, char: deadshot/floyd lawton, char: lashina, char: manhunter/mark shaw, char: rick flag, char: slipknot/christopher weiss, creator: john ostrander, publisher: dc comics, title: suicide squad
02:51 am [superfan1]
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Where Dc villains get away from it all! ( Cut )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: blue beetle/ted kord, char: booster gold/michael jon carter, creator: john kalisz, creator: john ostrander, creator: val semeiks, publisher: dc comics
11:50 pm [queenursula]
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Amanda Waller VS Granny Goodness!

Tags: char: amanda waller, char: big barda/barda free, char: granny goodness, char: poison ivy/pamela isley, creator: john k. snyder iii, creator: john ostrander, creator: kim yale, group: suicide squad, publisher: dc comics, title: suicide squad
04:14 pm [katzedecimal]
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In ur 'hood, pwnin' ur homiez In honour of his upcoming appearances in Blackest Night, I bring you a scene from Suicide Squad #49.
Tags: char: captain boomerang/digger harkness, creator: john ostrander, creator: kim yale, creator: luke mcdonnell, publisher: dc comics, title: suicide squad
07:44 am [parsimonia]
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ORACLE: YEAR ONE (and John Ostrander) This post consists of 6 pages (5 full pages and two halves of two different pages) from an 18-page story from The Batman Chronicles #5 (and a cover), called "Oracle--Year One: Born of Hope", written by John Ostrander and Kim Yale.
The story is supposed to take place after the events of The Killing Joke, where former Batgirl Barbara Gordon was shot by the Joker and her legs paralysed.

I'd also like to bring up something you may have already seen 'round the comics blogosphere, but writer John Ostrander has been battling with glaucoma, is apparently in danger of losing his eyesight, and is struggling to pay the medical costs. A website's been set up (www.comix4sight.com) with a longer explanation of the situation, but there's a online donation drive and an auction in August. Any money leftover is to be donated to the Hero Initiative.
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: jim gordon, char: richard dragon, creator: brian stelfreeze, creator: john ostrander, creator: karl story, creator: kim yale, publisher: dc comics, title: batman chronicles
08:21 pm [thebigapricot]
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Black Canary Showdown! With the recent retcon of Dinah's youth, I thought I would post some scans from JLA Incarnations #1 where Black Canary I and Black Canary II have quite the mother/daughter battle. Sure Cass and Shiva's fight was bloodier, but they weren't both wearing fishnets! 7 scans from a 35 page book.

Tags: char: black canary/dinah drake, char: black canary/dinah lance, creator: john ostrander, group: justice league of america, group: justice society of america, publisher: dc comics
11:43 pm [icon_uk]
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One Perfect Moment - Shrike (and an unexpected moment with Punch and Jewelee) No, not the Nightwing villain, this is the D-list villain (Well, given the status of Nightwing's Shrike, possibly better to classify her as ANOTHER D-list villain called Shrike).
A former member of a one shot villain team called the Cadre, whose claim to fame was they were the first villain team created to fight the Detroit JLA (if claim to fame is the right turn of phrase for that)
Tags: char: nightshade/eve arden, char: punch and jewelee, char: shrike, creator: grant miehm, creator: john ostrander, series: one perfect moment week, title: suicide squad
09:36 am [scarletts_awry]
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One Perfect Moment -- Booster Gold and Blue Beetle The whole page is beautiful and hysterical, but I think the top panel pretty much defines Booster and Beetle.
Tags: char: blue beetle/ted kord, char: booster gold/michael jon carter, creator: john ostrander, series: one perfect moment week, title: martian manhunter
11:28 am [benicio127]
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Bat/Cat in No Man's Land This is from Catwoman Vol. 2 No. 72 "A Funny thing happened on the way back to Gotham...."
Heh. The key to a good bat/cat story? Sexual Tension. Mmmmm.. Only one more day of bat/cat week #2!!!
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: catwoman/selina kyle, creator: jim balent, creator: john ostrander, publisher: dc comics, series: bat/cat
11:38 pm [perletwo]
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When Jason Todd believed in heroes - - helped turn the tide on the umpty-millionth Apokolips invasion, and Bruce acted like a real father to Jay. Six scans (not my scans!) from the Legends miniseries, circa 1987, writing by John Ostrander and Len Wein, art by John Byrne and Karl Kesel. ( It just keeps getting worse! ) Gosh, remember when stopping Apokoliptic invasions was actually fun?
ETA: Can I get a "Jason Todd" tag, Your Modlinesses? Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson and Cass Cain already have them, so, equal time for black sheep Robins plz?
Current Music: John Barry, "Diamonds Are Forever" OST Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: captain marvel/billy batson, char: glorious godfrey, char: robin/red hood/jason todd, creator: john byrne, creator: john ostrander, creator: karl kesel, creator: len wein, publisher: dc comics, title: legends
08:00 pm [batcookies]
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On the Bats Wish I had better news for my first post, but this is what caught my eye today.
( ''I don't make the news'' ''what's there is there'' etc. )
Tags: char: amanda waller, char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, creator: john ostrander, group: suicide squad, publisher: dc comics