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Dec. 19th, 2009


The worse thing we can do now is be afraid. The others are gone but you are not. We hold our ground, we keep our fear to ourselves, and we hold on. In Adelle and Boyd's absence, Gabe and I will be taking care of you.

With Gina and Topher gone, Bennett is our head programmer. Noa is her second. If either of them want something, you damn well get it for them, you understand? Same goes for me or Gabriel. We hold this House together.

Nov. 4th, 2009


So. Is there a daycare center?


( Gabe )

If we die here, I want you to know: I made all the right choices when I picked you. Trouble be damned.

Oct. 24th, 2009


All right, let's check in. How many from Denver are here? Any Reindeer?

Adelle, Ophelia, I think it's best if we sit down and have a little meeting about what's happened and what's to be done. After all, we can't stand for this sort of thing. All I said was "I don't think that's a very good idea" and he gave me 24 hours and I swear I was going to call him to let him know everything was on the up-and-up but I got caught up with a client.

Oct. 23rd, 2009


( filtered to adelle, gabriel, mr. dominic, mr. langton, topher, gina )

I'm sure this already happened here. Just before we were so graciously asked to leave, Mr. Ambrose came to talk to me in the body of one of my Actives. Obviously, I lost that argument, and I was unable to extract Ambrose from the Active's body before I was thrown into the back of the van.

As far as I know, Clive Ambrose is still in more than one body, one of them being one of my Actives.

Oct. 22nd, 2009


This has gone on far too long.

And I'm running out of romance novels.


What in God's name did we just walk into?