January 2010



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Dec. 24th, 2009


If I ain't wrong about the days... it's Christmas.


Apparently things can get stranger.

Dec. 11th, 2009


For those of you who ain't feeling well, there's a big batch of chicken soup in the kitchen. Feel free to stop by for a bowl if Dr. Saunders hasn't decided to fence y'all off. If that's the case, I'll come to you. Feel better, all right? That's the last thing y'all need at a time like this.

EDIT: I'll take a rolly-cart with bowls up to the fifth.


( Julian )

So this flu thing?


Dec. 9th, 2009


I seem to have missed a day.

Dec. 6th, 2009


[ Julian ]

I need that favour.


backdated to last night

We need blood donors in the infirmary.

[Medical Staff:]
We're also going to need to expand. I have Kilo and Mr. Dominic here, and we're out of room.


filter fail!

So, on average, how much crazy would you say is normal for the Dollhouse? Because either I've lost it or Rosie has. Though to be honest, I'd say they're both looking pretty likely at this point.

Nov. 30th, 2009


I believe that I need a few spare hands.

Nov. 18th, 2009


Would it be possible to have another 'day trip'?

Nov. 9th, 2009


HEEEEEY. Guess what.

I've got stuff. I've got a lot of stuff. I've got stuff that you want! Or stuff you might want BACK, I don't know. I don't know who any of this belongs to. But you can get it for the low low low price of your day's food rations!

Currently available:
→ 1 computer mouse
→ 6 pairs underwear (male & female)
→ 2 lipsticks (frosty plum & tickled pink!)
→ 1 nail polish (cherries in the snow)
→ 1 left sneaker (Nike)
→ 6 pens (various brands)
→ 4 pencils (various condition)
→ book about pandas
→ book about flowers
→ 5 rolls toilet paper
→ 3 bars soap
→ 1 bottle "fresh gardenia" spray
→ 1 half-empty bottle of wine (red, something French)
→ 1 Twinkie wrapper (ate the Twinkie)
→ 2 forks
→ 1 coffee mug
→ 1 copy Playboy magazine (Mr. Ballard?)
→ 1 collection of gay erotica (Jaaaaaaack)
→ 1 part of something electronic I don't know what
→ 4 toothbrushes
→ 1 vibrator (ooh la la)
→ 4 credit cards with names: Edward Anderson, Kennedy-Grace Johnston, Ozymandias Vick
→ $7.91 in change
→ $28 in paper bills
→ 1 teddy bear

Come and get it! One day's food rations for your choice of item!


Does anybody know what day it is? Or even what time? It's all starting to get hazy now and I don't even know how long we've been here.

Nov. 4th, 2009


Being in my own body is more of a delight than I'd have thought before any of this.

Nov. 1st, 2009


Are we having fun, children?

Oct. 31st, 2009


Oh fuck.

Oct. 25th, 2009


[ backdated to just after the truth plot ]

[ Julian ]

After what has happened I feel less safe here. I feel that I can trust you though.

Oct. 21st, 2009


I have rather a lot of regrets about my life, even to this day.

I'm also not as in denial as people believe.

((linked cause kerry is a fail))


I've been stealing things for weeks. I can't help it. I see something and I have to take it. Or sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it.

Mr. Anderson, I do have your credit card. Will you stop plotting to kill me if I give it back? You're supposed to protect me. Can't someone do something about the fact that my handler wants me dead? I'm scared. I'm really scared. I'm so scared that something startled me around the corner and I wet myself.

Oct. 20th, 2009


I was lying.

Oct. 15th, 2009


Final List:
Boyd Langton
Ozymandias Vick
Julian Frost
Daisy Levin
Joan Armitage
Kennedy-Grace Johnston
Rosie Lynch
Ava Kader
Caddy McCaslin
Amy Tennyson

Results are non-negotiable, unless someones decides they don't want to go. If you want something specific from the store, this is the place to ask for it.

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