January 2010



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Jan. 30th, 2010


filtered to Topher:

I need your help with something. If you do it I'll tell everyone it was me that killed Adelle and they'll get off your case. Fair trade?

Jan. 29th, 2010


Claire is losing weight. Someone make her eat, I can't get her to eat.

Jan. 16th, 2010


I'm so sorry to have to be saying this to everyone.

We found the person who killed Adelle. No, it wasn't Alpha or Whiskey. In the end, it was an accident and a spectacular cover up. Considering the circumstances, I don't think it's right to tell everyone else what happened. We don't need a frenzy right now. Just know it wasn't a malicious death and that the very best we can do now is mourn Adelle DeWitt respectfully and take care of each other.

And no, I'm not answering any questions about this.


I'm scared. I'm going to admit it. I'm scared.

And I did not kill Adelle. I just spent four hours in a room with the detective with one hand. I did not kill Adelle, Paul did not take care of things after the fact, we didn't become tag-teaming murderers. God.

Jan. 15th, 2010


Uh. Not to insinuate that I care or anything, but has anyone seen Langton?

Jan. 11th, 2010


( Foxy, B, Doodle )

I'm tired of sitting around and nothing is stopping us from leaving anymore. Let's leave before one of us gets killed.

Jan. 10th, 2010


( Alpha )

I'm staying somewhere else tonight.


nothing i could do, nothing i could do, too late too late already cold

blood drips it can’t be stopped it goes drip drop drip and then you die if you don’t have blood – it makes sense i mean because blood is life its

you need it for oxygenation rejuvenation vitals hearts go lub dub lub dub drip drip drip

hello hello hello hello hello where are you say hello you always say hello i need you i need you to be my best how will i be my best? when you’re not here

don't be

drip drip drip drip hello


( Filtered to Owen: Suspects )

I don't trust anyone else with this, but I don't want to wind up dead, too, so. This stays between us.

The List )


Well? We only have, like, four or five homicide detectives here. Get to work, Mark.



Hey, I need to talk to you about something real sensitive. You ain't gonna like it but I gotta ask.

Jan. 9th, 2010


This is going to get so old so fast

So, guess who.


( Ivy )

So, I'm not supposed to talk to you. Any idea why?


[ Tes ]

Hey, don't talk to Ivy, okay?


[ Bennett, Gina ]

I think I have a problem, big variety.


filtered to KG:

Hey, I need a favor. You up for it?


Totally wasn't me this time, guys.



Langton. I need your help.

Jan. 5th, 2010


All right, kids. This is a mob-owned town. Don't piss anyone off; there's a good chance that the nice girl selling you cranapple juice has an AK-47 under the counter. If anyone asks, you're staying with Boris Gilbert II. I have the owner of this house living in my brains, but he's supposed to be dead, so as far as anyone here is concerned I'm his long-lost son or something.

Also, this nice mansion we're living in? Haunted. Definitely bunk with someone else if you're not one of the five thousand people in this group fucking like rabbits.

Jan. 3rd, 2010


Where'd you go?

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