January 2010



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Dec. 10th, 2009


[ Jon: ]

I think I'm sick. I probably got you sick too.


Dec. 7th, 2009


From what I've read:

1. We're all trapped here once we've entered.
2. New people showing up is not a surprise.
3. It's crowded.
4. Everyone is somewhere between jaded and stir-crazy.
5. The medical staff is kept busy and the facilities need to be expanded.

I can't do much about 1-4, but 5 I can handle.

Dr. Margaret McKay, Washington.

Dec. 6th, 2009


Mr. and Mrs. Picard, your daughter just threw up on me. She says she feels better now but wants you to come get her.

And since she's sick, maybe everybody else should just come get their kids too. I need a break anyway.

Dec. 5th, 2009


Was that a gunshot?

Dec. 2nd, 2009


...There's a glitter kitten on my fridge.

Nov. 19th, 2009


[ filtered to jon ]

Hey, are you alright? I haven't seen you since we I last yesterday.


[Voice Post:]

[Sound of a shower running.]

Jon: [Singing, actually really well.] Though I've tried before to tell her, of the feelings I have for her in my heart, every time that I come near her I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start! Every little thing she does is magic. Everything she does just turns me on. Even though my life before was tragic, now I know my love for her goes on.

Edie: [Applaudes, because he is an AWESOME singer.]

[Sound of stumbling and then a crash and the shower curtain falling]

Jon: Oh...oww...oww...I think I sprained something. Like my wrist. Or my dignity. Or something. Hi, Edie. You're in my bathroom...and I'm...naked...

[Awkward laughing. Pause.]

Jon: Can I help you with something?

Edie: Because I live here. Because you invited me to, and that's awesome, and I like it here so I use the bathroom sometimes.


Edie: No, I'm good.

Jon: Right. And I like having you here...I mean...not necessarily right now because...I'm still naked. But here in the general sense of things. It's nice having you around. You're very pretty to look at. And I get to look at you more when you're around.

[Long pause.]

Jon: I'm sorry. That always happens when I'm in the shower. It's not...I mean...I...


Jon: Oh...okay. But I...my towel is there...behind you. Could you please...uh...pass it to me?

[Long pause.]

Edie: Sorry, I wasn't listening.

Nov. 13th, 2009


We have food! We're all still trapped and more people are showing up every week and there are at least five children in here, but at least we have food.

Oct. 28th, 2009


Um...Fisher is actually dead. So is Mike.

Oct. 27th, 2009


I can't stand this anymore.


it was quiet

Too quiet. So quiet, in fact, that murders were practically begging to be committed. And that was just what had happened - in the library, in fact. Any one soul passing the room would suspect nothing wrong, even though the door was slightly ajar and the body was in plain sight. It looked, however, like she was merely resting, and it wasn't until the maid came to bid her bed that it was realized Miss Johnston was not merely sleeping.

Edie's screams alerted the rest of the household to the next in a series of tragedies. After a group of residents had amassed and calmed her, somebody sent for Doctors Saunders and Frost, who had been in the Conservatory at the time the girl was found. They arrived with good haste and set to work.

"This woman is dead," The physician announced after a long second, and the undertaker proceeded in throwing the limp form over his shoulder and exiting the room.

On the desk was a folded sheet of paper labeled

to her lovers )

Oct. 25th, 2009


( filtered to jon )

The house is getting awfully crowded, isn't it, Mister Wadsworth?


Fear not! Private Investigator Paul Ballard is here to solve the murder! The first order of business is an interview with each and every one of you. If you're not guilty, you should be fine.

Oct. 22nd, 2009


Hey, janitor guy, want to have sex? I heard you need a lay.

Oct. 21st, 2009


I'm tired of cleaning up dead bodies. I'm tired of cleaning up my friends' bodies.

I clean up all your shit, all your messes, and I don't think any of you even know my name. I know you don't care.

You're all really self-involved, you know. Dwyer was really great person. She was wonderful really. And how many of you really care? Just because she didn't die violent and bloody, you probably don't give a damn.


I am so high right now.

Oct. 15th, 2009


Final List:
Boyd Langton
Ozymandias Vick
Julian Frost
Daisy Levin
Joan Armitage
Kennedy-Grace Johnston
Rosie Lynch
Ava Kader
Caddy McCaslin
Amy Tennyson

Results are non-negotiable, unless someones decides they don't want to go. If you want something specific from the store, this is the place to ask for it.

Oct. 8th, 2009


My head is killing me.

Sep. 27th, 2009


So ... wait. What's going on again?

Sep. 25th, 2009


So...we're stuck here, because of a lockdown, and we get to sleep in shiny floor coffins and make kitten trees and finger paint and do yoga like we're at some sort of camp for special kids.

Do y'all have beer?

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