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Nov. 19th, 2009


[Voice Post:]

[Sound of a shower running.]

Jon: [Singing, actually really well.] Though I've tried before to tell her, of the feelings I have for her in my heart, every time that I come near her I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start! Every little thing she does is magic. Everything she does just turns me on. Even though my life before was tragic, now I know my love for her goes on.

Edie: [Applaudes, because he is an AWESOME singer.]

[Sound of stumbling and then a crash and the shower curtain falling]

Jon: Oh...oww...oww...I think I sprained something. Like my wrist. Or my dignity. Or something. Hi, Edie. You're in my bathroom...and I'm...naked...

[Awkward laughing. Pause.]

Jon: Can I help you with something?

Edie: Because I live here. Because you invited me to, and that's awesome, and I like it here so I use the bathroom sometimes.


Edie: No, I'm good.

Jon: Right. And I like having you here...I mean...not necessarily right now because...I'm still naked. But here in the general sense of things. It's nice having you around. You're very pretty to look at. And I get to look at you more when you're around.

[Long pause.]

Jon: I'm sorry. That always happens when I'm in the shower. It's not...I mean...I...


Jon: Oh...okay. But I...my towel is there...behind you. Could you please...uh...pass it to me?

[Long pause.]

Edie: Sorry, I wasn't listening.



I love you. I know you've told me not to say that, but I can't help it.

I love you. Utterly and completely.

Nov. 17th, 2009


Things seem better today.