January 2010



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Jan. 16th, 2010


I'm scared. I'm going to admit it. I'm scared.

And I did not kill Adelle. I just spent four hours in a room with the detective with one hand. I did not kill Adelle, Paul did not take care of things after the fact, we didn't become tag-teaming murderers. God.

Jan. 9th, 2010


Totally wasn't me this time, guys.

Jan. 5th, 2010


All right, kids. This is a mob-owned town. Don't piss anyone off; there's a good chance that the nice girl selling you cranapple juice has an AK-47 under the counter. If anyone asks, you're staying with Boris Gilbert II. I have the owner of this house living in my brains, but he's supposed to be dead, so as far as anyone here is concerned I'm his long-lost son or something.

Also, this nice mansion we're living in? Haunted. Definitely bunk with someone else if you're not one of the five thousand people in this group fucking like rabbits.

Jan. 1st, 2010


I realize you've all been through something terribly horrifying, but please...

Everyone keep their pants on! Literally! Stop undressing and stop trying to have sex! Just because our psycho bus driver is getting head doesn't mean the rest of you can do it, too!

Dec. 15th, 2009


madeline i aint comin to make breakfast i am on bravos couch in bed hung over! heeeeadache like you wodnt believe

god damn moonshine stuff is deadly uggh
aint never drinkin anythin he gvies me again

Dec. 12th, 2009


( STAFF: )

I found Topher sitting in a corridor and rocking and muttering to himself. I try to avoid him, so I don't know if this is normal or a reason to be concerned, but it didn't look right. Thought I'd tell someone.

Dec. 5th, 2009


I'm going to make spaghetti for dinner, if it's alright with you, Madeline. Does anyone want spaghetti?


I think I've finally managed to clean up the kitchen after Paul left it a disaster area.

Nov. 30th, 2009


Who took over the kitchen while Quebec and I were incapacitated? It's a mess. Everything is burnt onto the stove and all the pans, the trash hasn't been taken out, there are crumbs everywhere...

Nov. 20th, 2009


There is a man sleeping in my bed. He isn't wearing clothes. I found them on the floor. I would wake him up to give them back but he looks so happy.

Nov. 5th, 2009


Everyone who has eaten an apple from the kitchen, report to the infirmary IMMEDIATELY.

No gift can come in without being tampered with. One of the apples has been poisoned, according to Alpha.

We should have checked the crate more carefully. I'm sorry. I am so sorry. There are still a number of apples left, so chances are that no one's ingested poison. I haven't heard of a case of anyone getting sick or collapsing yet, so we may be lucky in that regard.

Nov. 3rd, 2009



MADELINE: ---enough rice to last us two weeks, but that's about it. We're lucky that was salvaged. Almost everything, gone...

QUEBEC: I'll keep it rationed.

MADELINE: Did you check the containers in the corner?

QUEBEC: The ones that weren't melted still had food in 'em just fine... 'cept some of it cooked. We got mostly melted sugar in those.

MADELINE: Quebec? I know you like baking sweets for everyone, but... with the rations as they are...

QUEBEC: No... no, I got it. I won't...

MADELINE: Damn it.


MADELINE: Rationing is off. I based my numbers off who we originally had, but with all of these new people I didn't factor... I didn't work with the new numbers.

QUEBEC: So how much time before we really run out?

MADELINE: The rice will ... I mean, rough guess? Ten days. But beyond that, if we find uses for the odd non-perishables left... the rest of the food will be gone in four.

Nov. 2nd, 2009


We'll do meals as regularly as we can, but given the fire situation and not knowing when we'll be given supplies again, we'll be having small, interesting meals for a while. Most of the food storage room was destroyed. As far as I know nobody was hurt----am I wrong? I hope I'm not.

Now it's a matter of finding the cause of the fire. There's no way it was a freak accident. A lit cigarette, maybe? Or did someone decide to make a colossal mistake? It could have been Alpha and Whiskey for all I know. Probably was. I don't mean to go pointing fingers but the stress is killing me.




Oct. 28th, 2009


( PAUL )

Boyd killed an Active while we were all under. Boyd.

How long is this going to go on?

Oct. 21st, 2009


My wife left me because of the Dollhouse. I was job-drunk and I lost her.

I'm torn between understanding you people and hating you. I can't sort the victims from the criminals anymore and I hate you all for that, too. But I put my ass on the line and fought Alpha, anyway, even though I couldn't control myself. I don't know what that says about me.

I'm in love with a woman that I hurt. Just because she doesn't remember, that doesn't make it okay. I could love her more if I didn't look at her and remember every horrible thing I did and said to her.

I miss Joanna. She called me just before I found the Dollhouse and wanted me back. I wish I had answered the phone.


I hate what Topher did to me.

He made the pain go away. Now I look at pictures of my daughter and I feel nothing. Sometimes I sit for hours and look at pictures of her. I used to sit and cry about them for hours and now I feel nothing. No joy, no pain, nothing. I'm not sad... I'm nothing. I stopped caring about the most important thing in my life.

I tried to kill myself before Adelle found me and brought me here. She said that I'd feel better once my contract was up. And I do. But I left and was detached. Topher fixed me in places that shouldn't be fixed. It's not natural, it's not human. I'm a bad mother. I'm the worst mother.

If I can't have Katie back, I want the pain of her loss back.

Oct. 15th, 2009


Final List:
Boyd Langton
Ozymandias Vick
Julian Frost
Daisy Levin
Joan Armitage
Kennedy-Grace Johnston
Rosie Lynch
Ava Kader
Caddy McCaslin
Amy Tennyson

Results are non-negotiable, unless someones decides they don't want to go. If you want something specific from the store, this is the place to ask for it.

Oct. 14th, 2009


The contents of the bags Alpha left are as follows:

- Diapers
- Baby formula
- Baby clothes
- A special Halloween-size bag of mini Twix bars
- A man's razor
- Tampons
- Kraft cheese singles
- Potato chips
- Organic salad greens
- Apple juice
- Beer
- Wine
- Whiskey
- A six-pack of women's fruit of the loom

Oct. 11th, 2009


Dr. Saunders is nice.

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