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can anyone help me figure out all the codes here? i would love to use them for my own rp journal but i can't figure it out for the life of me. thanks for any and all help!


Jul. 23rd, 2014 07:15 am (UTC)
Oh, if you just want them on top of the image and not ON the image, then it's just going to be on the same table row/data as the initial lyric text. There was only a big gap in mine because IJ autospaces linebreaks and I wasn't scrunching my code up so I could easily see the flow of all of those trs and tds, lol. To align any text to the right, use the p or div align attributes (e.g., <p align="right"> text </p>).

Jul. 23rd, 2014 07:22 am (UTC)
awesome thank you so so so much! will it freak the code out if i remove the lyric text? like 'POUR YOUR SUGAR ON ME, OH I CAN'T GET ENOUGH, I'M HOT, STICKY SWEET FROM MY HEAD TO MY FEET, YEAH.' or will it be okay?
Jul. 23rd, 2014 07:23 am (UTC)
You're welcome, let me know if you run into any snags! And removing the top text shouldn't cause any problems.
Jul. 23rd, 2014 07:32 am (UTC)
if i wanted to make the text, with the gif, longer width wise what would i need to change? because when i add longer lyrics it starts the tiling :/ if i can get it how it looks on their page and i know how to change the numbers i believe i can do it. like, space it over just a little and then stretch it out, if that makes sense cause it's late and i confuse myself lol. again i am so sorry for being such a pain
Jul. 23rd, 2014 07:41 am (UTC)
No apologies necessary, I wouldn't have commented if I didn't feel like doin' the legwork. I think you can do one of two things: either the first td height is smaller (allowing more space for the second row, which contains the gif/lyric text table); or the gif/lyric table width is increased.

To decrease the td height, look for "230" and change it to a smaller number, whatever you need to make it not tile. (In case you're not sure what this is, there are two rows in the table. This one is empty, BUT since a height is specified, it takes up that many pixels of vertical space, so the second row starts lower down.)

To increase the lyric table width, look for "312" and replace it with a larger number.

The original userinfo had that little gap, and that's probably due to a cellspacing or cellpadding attribute being set to a number larger than 0. I'll see if I can replicate that.
Jul. 23rd, 2014 07:45 am (UTC)
okay i got it! thank you again for being so helpful i really do appreciate it! for now, though, i am going to hit the sack i'm extremely tired. again thank you for your help it certainly means a lot <3!
Jul. 23rd, 2014 07:49 am (UTC)
Have a good night! For when you wake up, the left gap is created by inserting a number greater than 0 into the cellpadding value, in the table with the Teen Wolf dude's pic on there (lol I forget his name), and you'll have to play with the numbers in the "230" part to get it down far enough for the bottom gap.
Jul. 23rd, 2014 11:37 pm (UTC)
thank you so much you've been an amazing help!