RP Resources

Codes + Layouts + Tutorials + More


Community Rules

This comm is open to anyone to post codes, layouts, resources, tutorials, and requests for help and content. Of course, we do have some rules, so please read through them before jumping in; thank you!

Treat others the way you'd like to be treated. This is not a drama comm, and we expect you guys to be awesome and stay civil. If a situation gets out of hand, please contact a mod, and leave comments intact so we can accurately handle the situation.

Please tag your posts and check out the tagging guide if you have any questions!

■ Very long posts or posts formatted with your own div styling for organization should be behind a cut to save people's f-lists.

Work safe above the cut, please!

■ If posting codes, guides, etc. absolutely do not post content that you did not make. That's stealing, and it's super uncool, bro! If you are posting expanded/edited codes made by yourself using another user's coding as well, please be sure you have their permission (You do not need direct permission if they allow edits to be re-posted in their blanket rules.)
■ Do not post tutorials/links to tutorials that show people how to steal codes from other users. Again: Stealing. Not cool.
When asking for help with something, please check the help tags (help: coding, help: graphics, help: icons, help: layouts, help: other) first to see if your question has already been posted and answered to avoid duplicates.

We do not allow game ads to be posted on this comm since there are so many communities specifically for that already; if you're pimping a game as an addition to a regular post, that's fine. (OK: You post an RP code and mention in the post, oh hey, also I'm running this game! NOT OK: Posts dedicated to game promo.)

We do allow other types of community promos if they are related to RP (icon comms, other types of resource comms, etc.) Just shoot us a comment in our dropbox beforehand and we'll let you know if it's cool to post!

Tagging Guide


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bio sheet: oblong


NameCharacter Name
PBIcon Person
Curabitur et eros pulvinar lorem tincidunt laoreet. Aliquam consectetur magna libero, et semper elit consectetur vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt commodo sapien, a blandit nibh gravida et. Ut vehicula eget nisi ac sodales. Ut mattis, tortor eu gravida sagittis, risus leo aliquam nisi, eu hendrerit sem erat consectetur neque. Curabitur et sapien sit amet nunc facilisis dignissim vel sit amet diam. Quisque scelerisque, velit nec ultricies dapibus, velit sapien aliquet lacus, in eleifend est mauris eu nisl. Maecenas in tristique enim. Duis auctor, nunc eget tristique viverra, nunc massa mattis lacus, mollis tristique orci velit eu lectus. Sed dictum lacus diam, vel vulputate ante eleifend eu. Proin ut odio arcu. Sed dapibus elit fermentum tristique porta. Morbi quis viverra tortor.
Integer consequat enim nunc, id pretium nulla pharetra id. Maecenas non accumsan lorem. Morbi sed purus cursus ipsum commodo dictum id a nisl. Praesent ornare consequat placerat. Fusce vitae blandit urna. Aliquam maximus convallis venenatis. Fusce quam justo, vestibulum at feugiat id, tincidunt eget dui.
Proin urna metus, rhoncus vitae purus eget, luctus gravida nunc. Vivamus dignissim libero vitae nulla eleifend, quis porta dolor imperdiet. Duis nec malesuada libero, in malesuada est.

Donec vitae commodo tellus, ac ornare enim. Aenean ac elementum dolor, gravida condimentum augue. Mauris ut semper nulla, a accumsan velit. Nullam tempus ante ut risus dignissim, non ultricies enim convallis. Ut pretium, ipsum quis luctus suscipit, metus eros condimentum orci, in fermentum libero ex ut justo. Sed luctus dolor sed arcu interdum viverra. Proin tempus metus sit amet eros auctor porta.

Sed leo erat, accumsan luctus magna sit amet, aliquet porta nibh. Donec dictum nibh in feugiat imperdiet. Donec tincidunt dapibus nunc, non accumsan augue consequat et. Nam accumsan nisi eu placerat scelerisque.

cut and paste:

find and replace:

headings bars #cde4f7 • headings text #333 • content boxes #eee • drop shadows #ccc


Mar. 12th, 2018 06:40 pm (UTC)
thanks very much! :D I love noodling around with this stuff.