Just your average, everyday text message meme How to Play:
Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!
Just your average, everyday text message meme How to Play:
There are different stages of married life. there's pre-wedding when you're on your way to the altar, there's the honeymoon and that new period, and then there's settling in and getting domestic. Either way you've found the person that you want (or wanted) to spend the rest of your life with. Maybe it's all fluff, maybe it's harder than you thought, but you agreed...for better or for worse. How to Play:
The fact that you're in a relationship with this person isn't public knowledge. Actually, no one knows about it except for the people involved. Maybe you guys are just private like that; on the other hand, it may be a necessity to keep things a secret from others. Maybe you're both team mates, and others on the team would give you grief, or you're not suppose to be dating, or you're not the type to usually date and you're only testing the waters. Perhaps it's the combination of you two, possibly an odd couple, that would bring some controversy or some teasing. Or, you know, you could not want to deal with friends and relatives being busybodies. Your reasons are your own. Are you content with stealing moments to be together as a couple? Do you want to make your relationship known and the fact that you can't drives you batty? Remember, there are lots of benefits to dating in secret. You can be yourselves completely, away from prying eyes, and get to know each other better as potential longterm romantic partners. In a way, it's ideal. ...still, do you ever wish you could scream from the rooftops how much you care for your significant other? How to Play:
trope noun \ˈtrōp\ Definition of TROPE 1 a : a word or expression used in a figurative sense : figure of speech b : a common or overused theme or device : cliché This meme is a collection of random fanfic and roleplay tropes. How to Play:
It's been welling up inside of you for so long you just have to let it out. Or maybe you don't have much of a choice. How to Play:
Just your average, everyday text message meme How to Play:
It's pretty much what is says on the tin. Creating future kids for favorite pairings in RP is nothing new, but it's hard to play those characters outside the medium for which they were created. Here's the place to play them, with each other; with their unsuspecting future parents, whatever. How to Play:
They say everyone has a doppelganger. Your character is about to meet theirs. Hilarity and/or angst ensues? How to Play:
According to Urban Dictionary, Rule 63 is a rule of the internet that reads as follows: "For any given male character, there is a female version of that character." This can go both ways, of course, but this is the meme to toss in your reverse gender characters and to play against them to try a new twist on the same old, same old. How to Play:
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Roommates and close-proximity neighbors...can't live with 'em, can't always afford to live without 'em. Do the thing. How to Play:
The power's out! How will you occupy your time? How to Play:
Go here, pick some texts, and do the thing. How to Play:
They say that animals can sense things humans can't. Can animals sense a romance before it starts to bloom? How to Play:
It's funny how you can get close to someone without even really knowing who they are. This is a meme capitalizing on that particular trope: you know this person...but you have no idea that you know them as well as you do. How to Play:
Everybody needs a little help once in a while. Offering them a ride to a shelter is one thing, but if you really want to help, why not offer to take them in until they can get back on their own two feet? How to Play:
Have you ever heard a song that made you want to write a scene like woah? This is the place to do it! How to Play:
- Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
- Go to RNG and enter 1-7 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
- Have fun!
( stolen from bakerstreet on dreamwidth )
Introduce yourself to the other people here and talk about what kind of stuff you want to try playing! This can be a one-off thing or if you're looking for an ongoing story line to take from meme to meme. If you're looking for a specific pairing or want to try voice testing and need canonmates. Whatever! Basically the point of this post is to get people talking about things they want to play so that when memes are posted, you're not afraid to tag others. How to Play:
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the realistic college au meme ( stolen from bakerstreet on dreamwidth. ) |
comment with your character's name and canon in the subject header. use rng or pick one of the options below for your au scenario. |