March 2016

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March 11th, 2016

[info]skepticalwriter in [info]rockthatmeme

SECRET relationship meme

The fact that you're in a relationship with this person isn't public knowledge. Actually, no one knows about it except for the people involved. Maybe you guys are just private like that; on the other hand, it may be a necessity to keep things a secret from others. Maybe you're both team mates, and others on the team would give you grief, or you're not suppose to be dating, or you're not the type to usually date and you're only testing the waters. Perhaps it's the combination of you two, possibly an odd couple, that would bring some controversy or some teasing. Or, you know, you could not want to deal with friends and relatives being busybodies. Your reasons are your own.

Are you content with stealing moments to be together as a couple? Do you want to make your relationship known and the fact that you can't drives you batty? Remember, there are lots of benefits to dating in secret. You can be yourselves completely, away from prying eyes, and get to know each other better as potential longterm romantic partners. In a way, it's ideal.

...still, do you ever wish you could scream from the rooftops how much you care for your significant other?

Borrowed from bakerstreet.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

[info]skepticalwriter in [info]rockthatmeme


There are different stages of married life. there's pre-wedding when you're on your way to the altar, there's the honeymoon and that new period, and then there's settling in and getting domestic. Either way you've found the person that you want (or wanted) to spend the rest of your life with. Maybe it's all fluff, maybe it's harder than you thought, but you agreed...for better or for worse.

Borrowed somewhat from bakerstreet.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!

prompts below the cut )