March 2016

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March 4th, 2016

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme

roommates/apartments meme

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Roommates and close-proximity neighbors...can't live with 'em, can't always afford to live without 'em. Do the thing.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!

prompts below the cut )

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme

Rule 63 meme

According to Urban Dictionary, Rule 63 is a rule of the internet that reads as follows: "For any given male character, there is a female version of that character." This can go both ways, of course, but this is the meme to toss in your reverse gender characters and to play against them to try a new twist on the same old, same old.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character (state rule 63!originalcharactar's name) | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Tag Others.
  3. Be awesome to each other.
  4. Have fun!

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme

doppelganger meme

They say everyone has a doppelganger. Your character is about to meet theirs. Hilarity and/or angst ensues?

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!

prompts below the cut )

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme

future kids meme

It's pretty much what is says on the tin. Creating future kids for favorite pairings in RP is nothing new, but it's hard to play those characters outside the medium for which they were created. Here's the place to play them, with each other; with their unsuspecting future parents, whatever.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your future kid character | mother/father | and any preferences. Or post with your canon or OC and let the future kids come to you, using the normal format (character name | fandom | preferences )
  2. Tag Others.
  3. Be awesome to each other.
  4. Have fun!