August 2008



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Jul. 31st, 2008


Who: Ford Williams, Finn McGill, Kadyriath
What: A scouting mission
Where: Near the Ministry of Magic's street entrance
When: Around quitting time, evening, 31th July
Rating: PG
Status: Closed;Complete

I can stay with Fred while you handle the aequitas. )

Jul. 20th, 2008


Who: Nathan Branwalder, Finn MicGill (open to anyone else who may be around, showing up, whatever)
What: Big brother comes to help
Where: Stapleford Abbotts, home of the Holden kids + Finn + Kitties
When: Early evening (5-ish), Sunday, 20th July
Rating: PG-13
Status: Open;Incomplete

A deep red '69 Fastback pulled up the driveway through the trees which largely shielded the property from the road a half mile back. It'd been close to a year since Nate had made the trek down here, usually keeping up north himself and seeing hid younger siblings at their parents' house. The night before, though, Ford had called him and told him Fred was missing. Nate must have growled into the phone for a good five minutes before realising he'd snapped it in his hand. Once a new phone was found he'd controlled himself and gotten information. It had been right before sunset, something he assumed was done on purpose so he could work out most of his fury, which was generally how his worry liked to masquerade. Once he'd woken up Nate had hopped into his car and headed down to Essex, breaking more than a few speed limits on the way.

Out from the car came a towering man. Six-foot-two and very possibly made of muscle. Somehow the red trilby and the loud, red printed shirt looked at home on Nate's frame. He looked more criminal or thug than anything else. Listening carefully, he was sure there was no one outside so he went to the door and rang the bell, wondering if any of them were even home at the moment. Ford knew he was going to be here, though possibly was expecting him closer to sunset. Eventually someone would show up, though.

Jul. 17th, 2008


Who: Ford Williams & Finn McGill
What: Chillin', crack, why Ford's got a stupid name
Where: Their house, Stapleford Abbotts
When: About 4pm, Thursday, 17th July
Rating: PG?
Status: Closed;Incomplete

The only person who managed to play human better than Ford at any given time was Finn, because she'd actually been human for so long. He wasn't really the most social one, but he dealt with people more often than the others and it had made mimicking them easier. The shift was easy to spot, even to a human, as he walked closer to the house. He'd started looking like any other bloke, a slight swagger in his step. The closer he got to the cottage he shared with his siblings, Finn and the small village of cats the more graceful his movements became. By time he was near the door there wasn't any way to say he didn't move like a cat, a stalking predator. Somehow he came off as a lot easier to overlook than his little brother, though. Trent's dominance was more overt, possibly because of the fact that he was the least dominant of the siblings. Ford was just quieter about his place.

He came around the side of the house, not wanting to be inside at the moment, stripping his shirt off with one hand, the mail in the other. "I swear they do this on purpose. Ford Williams you have mail from Ford Motors. I have a bloody Volkswagen and I get mail from Ford Motors? I swear Fred does this to me." He looked up to see the owner of the scent he'd followed and grinned. "Where's your spastic half? Still out?"

Jul. 6th, 2008


Who: Fred Holden, Ford Williams, cameos by Trent Smith and Julian Holden
What: Lazy kittens
Where: The lawn of the Holden home
When: May, 1988, a day in the middle of the full moon cycle
Rating: G
Status: Closed; Complete

Hours later they scented the air in unison. Once. Twice. )

Jun. 27th, 2008


Who: Fred Holden, Ford Williams and a Dead Guy.
What: She needs a holy weapon to fight a creature made of darkness. Naturally, she's going to steal it.
Where: Great Saltee Island
When: Middle of the night, 26th-27th June.
Rating: PG
Status: Narrative;Complete seemed to crackle in her hand... )

Jun. 11th, 2008


Who: The kittens (Fred, Trent and Ford)
What: Lap stealing and Trent's lack of quickness
Where: The kitty cottage, Stapleford Abbotts
When: Tuesday evening, 10 June
Rating: PG
Status: Narrative;Complete
Notes: This is mostly Ruth's fault as I was talking to her when the initial thought struck me and then she encouraged me to actually write a narrative just to use it.

Like a Dwarf? )

May. 21st, 2008


Who: Fred Holden, Finn McGill, Trent Smith, Ford Williams
What: Wolfgirl meets Catgirl (And catboys)
Where: Epping Forest
When: Full Moon, early hours of Wednesday, 21st May until just after dawn
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

Fred both loved and loathed the actual night of the full moon )

Apr. 18th, 2008


Who: Trent Smith, Ford Williams
What: The dangers of going up with four legs and only have two to get down
Where: The Holden Home
When: 7th August, 1990
Rating: G
Status: Drabble;Complete

"Uh...Mum?" The small boy's voice called out but there was no answer. "Dad?!" Again no answer came.

Trent clung to the trunk of the tree he'd climbed up the night before. )

Apr. 13th, 2008


Who: Fred Holden, Malcolm Baddock, general existence of Ford & Trent since they live there and all.
What: Mal has questions
Where: Fred's cottage, Stapleford Abbotts
When: Late Afternoon, Sunday, 13th April
Rating: PG for language
Status: Closed; Complete

Fred has this amazing rock-like quality to her stomach's feeling since Malcolm asked to talk to her because he had questions. She couldn't really think of any questions she'd mind answering since he already knew the one thing she didn't want to share in the first place. It probably was no big deal, but he had something he could hold over her head. She thought Malcolm wasn't the kind to blackmail, but she'd been wrong about people before. Unfortunately scent didn't tell you everything you needed to know about a person.

She had the sense to put on clothing because nudity made humans really uncomfortable, but she didn't put on a whole lot. She was curled up in Trent's lap on the couch in nothing more than a cut off tank top and boyshort knickers. The boys had both been forced into shorts by time the knock came on the door. Fred tried to get up but Trent kept hold of her while Ford got up to answer the door.

At 5'11" he wasn't what a person would call intimidating, but there was a dominance to him that a person couldn't quite ignore. The cottage was small, three bedrooms upstairs and only a kitchen, living room and bathroom downstairs, but it looked comfortable. It had pictures and books everywhere, and seemingly refusing to be bound by the conventions of bookcases and walls. "Malcolm?" was all he said when Ford opened the door to find a dark-haired stranger standing on the other side.

Apr. 7th, 2008


[Inside & Outside] Up in the Trees

Who: Fred Holden, Trent Smith, & Ford Williams
What: A Sibling Sleep Over
Where: Either side of the wall on Leaden Hall St
When: 1 am, 7th April
Rating: G
Status: Closed; Complete

Experimentally Fred pawed at the wall. Thankfully nothing happened but it didn’t do much. Her head cocked to the side a moment later as her ears rotated so they pointed toward the wall to hear better. )