August 2008



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Aug. 7th, 2008


Who: Vi Marlowe, various flatmates and Lavender Brown
What: Margarita cookies.
Where: Vi's flat
When: 7th August, evening
Rating: PG (I think)
Status: Closed; complete

Damn, I was hoping you'd not notice I wasn't actually doing anything. )


Rabbit and Vi and Woozle

Who: Rabbit Tuor and Viola Marlowe
What: Vi meets Rabbit's menagerie.
When: Evening of Monday, 4 August 2008
Where: Rabbit's flat in Liverpool
Rating: G.
Status: Closed; Complete

Dogs could be trained to bark in gratitude, but he thought hugs were much cuter. )

Aug. 5th, 2008


Vi and Ky at the library

Who: Kadyriath and Viola Marlowe
What: After this conversation, Vi goes to the London Library to get a book on bugs that eat decomposing bodies.
When: Saturday, 26 July 2008
Where: London Library
Rating: G.
Status: Closed; Complete

I used to come in to just read books all the time and then one day they offered me a job to put all the books back. )

Aug. 4th, 2008



Who: Aidan Chambers and Viola Marlowe
What: Grabbing pie for lunch (again) and doing some work with mutated creatures
Where: Spitalfields Market, then Scamander Park
When: Monday Lunchtime, 4 August 2008
Rating: Maybe PG?
Status Closed; Complete

They decided I couldn't be trusted around living patients because I'm a bit too scalpel-happy. )

Aug. 3rd, 2008


Will and Vi at the Tate Britain

Who: Will Burke and Viola Marlowe
What: Instilling culture in Vi's head and Muggle culture in Will's. Plus heaps of drowning and some zombie monkeys.
When: Sunday, 3 August 2008
Where: The Tate Britain art gallery
Rating: G.
Status: Closed; Complete.

This is a brain malfunction caused by irreparable and irreversible brain damage done to me by your presence. )

Aug. 2nd, 2008


Who: Adrian Pucey and Vi Marlowe
What: Chance encounter
When: Monday afternoon BACKDATED
Where: Diagon Alley
Status: Closed; complete

I chase weird magical creatures around forests and farms and sometimes I fall in large piles of pig feces. It's interesting, I guess, yeah, but it's not Mindhealing! )

Jul. 31st, 2008


Aidan and Vi - massive snickers over Aidan being a virgin!

Who: Aidan Chambers and Vi Marlowe
What: Vi opens a letter that is not hers to open and learns something shocking (and sorta sweet) about Aidan, then goes to confront him
Where: Scamander Park
When: Thursday, 31 July 2008
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Closed; Incomplete

Distracted by her journal and thoughts over her latest tests on her venemous gerbil, Vi frowned at the pile of mail the DoRC owl had just dropped on her desk. She picked her journal and her gerbil report out from under the letters and used a charm to open all the envelopes in one go, wishing mildly that she still had Fred's enchanted dagger to do that sort of thing for her. Finishing her messy scribble to Lavender, she picked up the first letter and looked at it peripherally. Bill for the new pair of dragonhide gloves she'd had to pick up yesterday after Slimey had venom-d the other pair to death. Frowning, she tossed it aside and picked up the next. Another bill, this one for a book on dragons she'd picked up on credit (her aunt's credit, since Vi had a horrible credit record) at Flourish's two months ago and hadn't paid for yet. 

After opening six more bills (damn the end of the month!) Vi exhaled grumpily and picked up the last letter. In the dim candlelight of her office she couldn't make out the script too well, but pulled the paper almost violently out of its envelope, assuming it was another bill. Instead, she found none of the neat little columns or numbers to indicate an invoice, only writing. A letter! Giddy with the prospect of getting something other than a bill, and assuming it was from Lavender or Fred, Vi held it up closer to the army of candles on her desk and read it eagerly.

It was a letter for Aidan. Whoever sorted owl post had thrown it in with her mail. Vi loved reading other peoples' mail, though, and she couldn't really stop once she'd started.

Her eyes bugged a little out of her head as she read the second-to-last sentence and a smile crept over her features until she was beaming. God, this was wonderful. Without further thought she stuffed Aidan's letter back in its envelope, blew out her candles, and dashed for the door. She couldn't get the stupid grin off her face, though she tried desperately to sober up before she reached the R&D department.

"Aidan!" she called out after making a quick greeting to Ben. 

Jul. 30th, 2008


Owl package to Fred


Pen and Vi log

Who: Pen and Vi
What: Pen goes on a rescue mission after Vi fails to return from investigating an Abraxan farm
When: Tuesday afternoon, 29 July
Where: Abraxan breeding and training farm, Southern England
Rating: G
Status: Closed; Complete

Better go on with the shirt removal then. )

Jul. 28th, 2008


Memo to Vi Marlowe )


Warded Owl to Lavender

Lavvy! )

Jul. 25th, 2008


Who: Aidan Chambers and Vi Marlowe
What: Grabbin' lunch and lessons about proper office etiquette (ie: no calling people cuntfaces)
Where: Square Pie pieshop in Spitalfields Market
When: 25th July, lunchtime
Rating: TBD.
Status: Closed; Complete

Square Pie was Vi's favourite chain of food stalls in London. Where else could you find Steak and Guinness pies that were actually square? Well, okay, sometimes they were a little lopsided. But they made a corking effort to be square, and that was just so much cooler than being rectangular or, horror of unimaginative horrors, triangular. Plus, mushy peas. Vi loved mushy peas. Mostly just because no one else she knew seemed to, and she felt that someone should, or Square Pie might stop making them, and all the people whose job it was to mush the peas would go out of business.

She was excited about going to Square Pie for lunch. And meeting the new guy. Absorbed in her study of Abraxan race betting slips, Vi jumped out of her chair as soon as she noticed it was past noon. Oops. She was going to be late. Grabbing some Muggle money off her desk, she Apparated to Spitalfields and hurried towards the pie stall, ignoring the temptations of the other market stalls and their wares. A young man she thought she'd seen earlier that morning at the office was seated at a table, and Vi rushed up to him and offered her hand. "Chambers?"

Jul. 23rd, 2008


Escaped Jarvey

Jul. 22nd, 2008


Who: Vi Marlowe and Lavender Brown
What: Early morning caffeine and a chat
Where: Logan's, a cafe in Camden
When: 22nd July, around eight a.m.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: Closed; complete

Vi stared at Lavender confusedly, blinking several times, trying to figure out whether they'd already been carrying on a conversation for several minutes and she'd somehow missed the first bits. )

Jul. 21st, 2008


Owl to Charlie Weasley


Owl to Trent Smith about Fred

Jul. 20th, 2008


Who: FREE FOR ALL! (But especially Vi and Katie)
What: Abraxan Races (Malt whiskey drinking horses - does it get any better?)
When: Sunday noon, July 20
Where: Mistley Downs, a wizarding aerial race course in Manningtree, the smallest market town in England
Rating: TBD, minimum PG for language
Status: Open; in progress
Notes: This is a fun open RP. Mon's developing plot around this idea but it won't happen here. People are welcome to subthread or start separate ones. We're going to blithely ignore the conventions of time for those participating - chalk it up to a misplaced Time Turner or something and double-thread as much as needed.

Wizards had conspired for centuries to keep Manningtree small. And to keep muggle animal authorities out of the place - while it was easy enough to place disillusionment charms on the wings, too often in other villages had careless wizarding lads shoved a bottle of malt whiskey into an Abraxan's mouth right in front of the authorities.

As a result, the air itself seemed charged with magic as the crowds began to filter through the Downs, explained away to the muggles nearby as part of a music festival. With pitchforks and brooms, the farmers eyed the passing wizards but allowed them to pass, shying away from the grassy dale where sounds of unearthly music began to echo. Nothing, after all, spoke "leave me alone" quite like the dismal sounds of Mad Martin and the Muggles. Many wizards, also, clapped their hands over their ears during opening ceremonies.

The stands were packed with roaring wizards, each with galleons and betting forms in their hands, many of them with pencils clumsily strewn across the broad brims of hats or tucked behind an ear. Smells assaulted the senses - boiled peanuts, butterbeer, the occasional whiff of popcorn and rock cakes mingled together to create a bizarre aura of carnival. And above all, the horses, hovering overhead as they awaited their orders, grooms angrily swatting pixies away from their mounts' tails.


Owl to Fred Holden

((enclosed is the dagger Vokte with his scabbard-thingy))

Jul. 19th, 2008


Who: Daria Kis, Nymphadora Tonks, and Viola Marlowe
What: Ladies' Night - expect alcohol and dancing
Where: Daria and bro's flat in Soho, then a club somewhere (I am vague because I suck at locations XD)
When: 18 July, starting at 9pm
Rating: PG-13 for alcohol and probable language
Status: Closed; incomplete

Daria leaned against the wall in front of her flat, hands shoved in the pockets of her hoodie as she waited for the other women to show up. She grinned. This was going to be fun. While she felt she'd probably end up mainly just friends with Marlowe, she was fairly sure she'd be hitting on the Auror - alright, completely sure - before the night was over. So she had a kid, so what? It just made things more interesting, which made Daria look forward to it all the more.

Jul. 16th, 2008


Owl Package to Vi Marlowe )

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