August 2008



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Jul. 14th, 2008


Who: Seren Fawcett & Graham Pritchard
What: Trying to fix things, lessons gone wrong and hypothetical children
Where: Asgard
When: BACKDATED! Monday, 14th July
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

He wondered if she'd notice how much of his skin on the right hand was new, regrown after the war. )

Jul. 16th, 2008


Who: Odin, Seren Fawcett & Graham Pritchard
What: Trying to get home
Where: Valhalla, Asgard
When: Wednesday evening, 16th July
Rating: G
Status: Closed;Complete

I'd hoped Bifröst could be utilised to get the two of you home easily, but it cannot )

Jul. 14th, 2008


Who: Seren Fawcett and Idavoll
What: Past lives
Where: Idavoll (the plain between the city of Asgard and the hill Yggdrasil is on)
When: Sunday, 13th July. Immediately following this
Rating: G
Status: Closed; Complete

Idavoll sang her lullabies )

Jul. 13th, 2008


Who: Seren Fawcett and Graham Pritchard
What: While investigating the city, Graham and Seren start to realize that they have more differences than they might have expected.
Where: Asgard
When: Sunday morning, July 13
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

Seren kept getting distracted by the play of magic along her skin. Everywhere she went she could feel it thrum against her like the vibrations of loud music. It was almost enough to distract her from the sun's reflection off the flecks of gold that was woven into every building and structure in sight. Luckily, when they'd first made it into the city someone had come to find them. They all were like the Norn, with skin like silver and gold and pewter and hair to match and eyes like gemstones. If they hadn't been sought out Seren likely would have been too distracted by her desire to explore to ever find somewhere to sleep. Though they'd been found, shown to a room, given clothes since all they had was what they wore, and then told basic information about the city. Things like how you could drink from the fountains but people really didn't appreciate it if you went splashing about in them and that no one in Asgard had seen a human in so long that the pair of them were likely to be stared at by all they encountered. They were even warned that some inquisitive types may question them endlessly out of curiosity. And then they were released, instructed to call on Hakon, the man who'd found them and explained everything, if they needed anything or got turned around. Oddly he did not explain how to call to him and Seren had been left to assume she could do so through the magic that always swirled around her.

Love is not enough to hold people together... )

Jul. 12th, 2008


Who: Seren Fawcett & Graham Pritchard
What: Meeting the Norn: Fates and Complications
Where: The Well of Wyrd
When: Saturday morning, 12th July
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed;Complete

Their souls touch. Lightly now. And they will join, when the other allows it. )


Who: Seren Fawcett and Graham Pritchard
What: They find themselves elsewhere.
Where: Another realm
When: Friday night, 11th July
Rating: PG
Status: Closed;Complete

Graham had wanted to go but Seren wouldn't leave the hill. She had to know. She needed confirmation. She'd noticed the unbelievably enormous tree. The hill they were on. The field surrounding it. The two building in the field. And then she'd noticed the glittering of a city that seemed to form a ring around the field. Way off in the distance she'd seen the stone wall and that was what had clicked it into place.

Now we wait. )


Who: Seren Fawcett, Graham Pritchard, cameo by Pester
What: Delivering the Poetic and Prose Eddas
Where: Graham's flat and then ???
When: Friday night, 11th July
Rating: PG
Status: Closed;Complete

Oh...bloody hell. )