August 2008



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Apr. 27th, 2008


Who: Élodie Desmarais and Isaac Kettering
What: Lo is a creep who breaks into hunter's bedrooms at night to cuddle with them.
When: Saturday night
Where: Isaac's flat, London
Status: Closed, incomplete

She would give anything to be normal for him. )

Apr. 13th, 2008


...hello there, the angel from my nightmare - the shadow in the background of the morgue...

Who: Isaac Kettering & Tyler Conrad
What: Dinner negotiations
When: Sunday, April 13, 7PMish
Where: Isaac's flat, London
Rating: G
Status: Closed, complete.

...the unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley... )

Apr. 12th, 2008

[info]just_presuming and white, no you're not to blame - holly swing, put me down to shame...

Who: Isaac Kettering & Matt Cavanaugh
What: Some saving, some shooting, some explaining
When: January-ish, 2007
Where: London, England - an alley near a club, Matt's flat, then Isaac's flat
Rating: R - violence, someone gets shot, cauterising the wound, and a whole hell of a lot of cursing
Status: Closed, complete.

...and I never thought it could come down to this/bullet in my head, sweetest kiss, it’s in my head... )

Apr. 11th, 2008


[INSIDE heading OUTSIDE] ...but once i hold on - i won't let go till it bleeds...

Who: Isaac Kettering, Rives Desmarais, Maisie Baxter, Tyler Conrad, & Élodie Desmarais
What: Escape from Mathwell once the wall goes down while avoiding Obliviators, a reunion, and probably some other stuff.
When: Friday, April 11, 2008 - night
Where: Mathwell, London - the sewers, then some other part of London
Rating: PG-13 because Isaac has almost the foulest mouth on him ever
Status: Closed, incomplete.

"C'mon," Isaac muttered, his voice barely audible to himself. He knew Rives would hear it, though. "Fucking Wizards - the wall's been down a good... a good long while..." He was struggling with the grating covering a manhole, trying to get it up. "If I know anything about them, and I do, so just don't even fucking ask, they're sweeping through even as I fucking say it. Fucking Obliviators - look, you superhuman bastard, help me out here."

Rives put the little girl he'd been carrying around down for a moment and lifted the grate off like it was nothing. Isaac hated him in that moment in a purely personal level, more annoyed at being a little grateful than anything else. "Right, in we go. They'll not sweep through here until a bit later, if we're lucky. Right poncey, the lot of them. We can get out, you can head on back to your damn family. I'll find these kids a place to stay, and we'll all get over everything like it never even fucking happened."

Isaac went down first and Rives handed him the girl, then the boy, and followed. He even pulled the damn grate down again. If he hadn't been trying to figure out how to manage that himself, he might've been even more annoyed. Luckily, he just picked up the little boy and they started walking. It was damp, it was full of garbage and the sorts of refuse that you really didn't want to think about, all things considered - and the stench was enough to make him wish he didn't have a nose at all - or that cutting it off would do him some good.

Jesus fuck, he thought, leading the way through the tunnels - it was a twisted route, one he was pretty sure he wouldn't have been able to follow if it weren't for certain marks spaced out every once in a while, just enough to keep him from getting completely lost. Not letting them steal our memories, the arsehats.

Apr. 6th, 2008


[Inside] Sanctuary

Who: Anyone who wants somewhere safe to hole up
What: Sanctuary and organisation
Where: East India House on Leaden Hall St
When: After sunset, 6th April
Rating: TBD, potential for violence exists
Status: Open; Incomplete

Fred was listening closely inside of the large stone building. It was completely empty so movements sent echoes easily heard even by humans through the structure. She'd found a chef's knife in a house earlier in the day and sat in the doorway whittling sticks so they had points at one end. Very sharp points. It wasn't much, but it was a weapon if someone inside really needed one.

She had decided she was going to stand sentry and no one was getting into the building without passing her or Trent. Anyone shady or who smelt off wasn't getting inside. People needed to be kept safe and in order for that to be possible everyone who they let in needed to be safe. People whose fear level was too high were likely to snap and go crazy. People like that didn't need to be let in. People who weren't actually people weren't getting past her either. So she sat and she waited. She figured people could hang out in the atrium right behind her until everyone was there that they were expecting and then they could lock the front doors, which did actually have a few bolt locks on them, and go up to the top floor together.

Apr. 4th, 2008


Email to Isaac Kettering )

Mar. 20th, 2008


Who: Élodie Desmarais and Isaac Kettering
What: Isaac has a new assignment. Élodie interferes.
When: February 2008
Where: Near the Thames, London
Rating: PG

How nice - to feel nothing, and still get full credit for being alive. )

Mar. 19th, 2008

[info]just_presuming the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket -- only god knows where we stuck it...

Who: Susan Bones & Isaac Kettering
What: Awkward interruptions and interesting instances in an alley
When: March, 2002
Where: A motel and then an alleyway in London
Rating: Really light R? For frottage?
Status: Closed, complete.
Notes: Isaac is so humiliated. He feels used and unappreciated - and also unsatisfied. Thanks for that, Sue. ;) and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals/so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel... )

Mar. 16th, 2008


Who: Anthony Goldstein, Isaac Kettering, and Zach Smith
What: A random encounter in a Tesco (a grocery store)
When: January 8th, 2008
Where: Didn't I just tell you where!?
Rating: R for Zach's damn dirty mouth
Status: Closed, complete

Anthony grunted as he lugged the huge bag of dog food into the bottom of his cart. Chayim was starting to get a little doughy and so Anthony picked chose the weight loss formula. It probably wasn't any better for him than the regular food but it made Anthony feel better about how much the huge dog ate. A box of treats and a huge cow bone followed the dog food into the cart. He horribly spoiled the dog but figured that his only companion deserved a little spoiling. As he rounded the aisle his cart almost collided with another. "Oh, I'm sorry." He stared at the man for a moment. He'd know that face anywhere. "Smith? Zacharias Smith?"


...we've got one chance to break out - we need it now - cause i'm sick and tired of waiting...

Who: Isaac Kettering & Thomas Weakly (NPC)
What: Indignation, a lot of cursing, and a couple new assignments
When: November, 2007 - directly after this.
Where: Thomas' office, Witchfinder Headquarters
Rating: PG-13 (mostly for language)
Status: Closed, complete.

...clever composition - and this honesty, honesty... )


...i told you time and time again you sing the words but still don't know what it means...

Who: Isaac Kettering & Anthony Goldstein
What: A doctor's appointment! Naked-time! Seriously. Oh, and an STD.
When: November, 2007
Where: Anthony's flat, London
Rating: PG-13 (so disrobing in a medical sense, the word 'penis' is used, and there is an STD as well as a couple knives, but we totally avoided the innuendo)
Status: Closed, complete. be a joke and look/another line without a hook... )

Mar. 14th, 2008

[info]just_presuming and now, give all that's within you - be my savior, and i'll be your downfall...

Who: Isaac Kettering
What: Reaction
When: December 2007, six days after this.
Where: A hospital in London, then his flat in Cheapside.
Rating: PG
Status: Closed, complete.

...yeah, my feet are heavy, made of stone/I'll make you go where I go... )


...this was a theraputic chain of events - this is the scent of dead skin on a linoleum floor...

Who: Zacharias Smith & Isaac Kettering
What: A chase, a meeting, and mutual posturing.
When: July, 2007
Where: Warehouse District, London
Rating: PG (language)
Status: Closed, complete.

...the anaesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where/the apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in... )

Mar. 13th, 2008


...that's where it turned on me - when bobby pins hold angel wings...

Who: Élodie Desmarais and Isaac Kettering
What: A hunt gone wrong, a pact broken, a bond formed.
When: December, 2007
Where: Muggle London
Rating: PG-13 (language & blood)
Status: Closed, complete.

...when present tense gets strangled in the mire/made of our cozy decomposing wires... )

Mar. 12th, 2008

[info]just_presuming sharp exit could not have been quicker - but my excuse could've been a bit slicker...

Who: Isaac Kettering & a female vampire
What: He kills her. She dies. All in a day's work.
When: August, 2007
Where: Muggle London
Rating: PG-13 - there's sex at the beginning, then she dies - not much else, but better safe than sorry. Also, it's short.
Status: Closed, complete.

...understand you're no more than a pastime... )