Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.

July 30th, 2016



My friends! This is Squeaky and I bring you some beefcake number seven! This is Nikolai Krum, who is two years younger than Viktor and really, really does not want anyone to make a fuss about that. He was so interested in getting away from his famous name that, immediately following completion of Durmstrang, he moved to the US where he's been living ever since, working as a Magical Conservationist for the Magical Congress.

Nik is a werewolf and he believes in honesty and understanding (and lots of hand holding and singing and flower weaving and such). He thoroughly believes that, if people are informed about what it really means to be a werewolf, that there will be less fear and violence. While in the States, his pet project was setting up 'wildlife preserves' where werewolves could safely transform and also caring-based rehab and training programs for the newly bitten.

He has just moved to the UK to sort of lend a hand with the current situation and try to get some things settled and smoothed over. I don't really know how he intends to accomplish that, so we'll all be surprised. He's working in the Magical Creatures department in the Ministry, I know that much!

He's a pretty quiet guy, but he's very honest and is happy to answer any questions someone might have about being a werewolf, no matter how intimate or detailed.

He can come off as kind of serious and such, though, but he really is a rather warm and welcoming to those he's close to. Really, he's just spent quite a lot of time building himself a stoic barrier to put between himself and people who are just interested in his surname, but he would make a very nice friend! (Or whatever.)

So, since he's so new in town, I don't think he has much by way of established relationships besides his brother and whoever he will be working with. I think he'll probably start work on Monday?

Still, feel free to throw your characters at him. He won't bite. :)