Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.

March 12th, 2016




Yeah, that's right, I made yet another character.

Mod!Jen here, with the delectable Ms Cho Chang.

Some things, obviously, won't have changed from canon - Ravenclaw, Tutshills fan, cried a lot in her fifth year.

She dated Cedric until he left Hogwarts, and she's a bit of a serial monogamist, in love with the idea of love. She works for Witch Weekly, writing their "Ask Araminta" column (to which you're all welcome to submit questions, I do plan on posting them!)

She is a not-so-secret romance novel addict, she's bubbly and popular, and she doesn't hate living on Knockturn Alley. Nope. Not at all.

COME AT ME BROS. WHADDYA GOT? Friends, exes, coworkers, gimme all the things.

EDIT: I've put a post on Cho's journal here; if your character has a burning question they want anonymously answered, (how anonymous they appear is up to you, obv), feel free to submit something. And hell, if you think of something that you can't pin down to a specific character, feel free to submit it anyway. The more the merrier.