Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.

March 5th, 2016



Twelve-Time Winner

Hello hello hello! Kaylie again with my first 30+ character. I bring you the one, the only, Gilderoy Lockhart!*

He is - realistically - here mostly to be your political punching bag for the next couple of months. I will probably retire him after that, unless he turns out just to be too much fun to play. He is exactly as you remember him from canon except that he never taught at Hogwarts so he's just continued as he was. He's written some more books, he's won Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award some more times. He is hanging up his quill for good (he claims) because is darling mother is not very well. He moved her into 'Lockhart Hall' with him and is looking to remain in the country to be with her.

He is also running for Minister of Magic! I considered making him a complete trainwreck but in the end I've settled for 'well meaning but impractical' with a side-order of 'self-serving'. I haven't written a political manifesto for him yet (so please, hit me with your ideas!) but feel free to assume he hasn't the least idea how he's going to fund any of his grand initiatives.

He was at school from 75 - 82, characters who were there at the time will remember him because he was constantly doing stupid stunts for attention. From (pottermore) canon: carving his signature in twenty foot long letters into the Quidditch pitch (earning him a weeks' worth of detentions), shooting a hologram of his own face into the sky like the Dark Mark, and sending himself eight-hundred Valentines, causing breakfast to be cancelled due to the number of droppings and feathers in the porridge and from my app: enchanting suits of armour to follow him around like bodyguards, flying his expensive broom through the Great Hall before dinner.

I'm not really expecting him to have any friends because Gilderoy doesn't do empathy. But have we got any fans? Anyone who hates him more than just finding him irritating? He's a confirmed bachelor but I'm open to past flings / dates.

*Bonus points if you read that in the voice of Chaucer from A Knight's Tale.




Hi guys!

This is Sarah again, with my second BB :) I also play Laurie Glutch, who I would love to have some fun with today as well. HMU here or through email if you wanna thread today because I don't have aim on this computer but I'll be sitting around a bunch and need distraction!

Anyway, this is Meaghan McCormack.

Meg is a Gryffindor '88 grad who played Quidditch for her house team as Keeper and who played professionally for the Pride of Portree (the team her mom coaches/owns). Her mom is the famous Catriona McCormack (who I would love someone to play!) who is overbearing, unyielding, and basically the Lucille Bluth of the quidditch world (though much worse dressed). Meg is currently commentating, however, as she was cursed before the season started and it's kept her from being able to stay on a broom for long lengths of time. She's recovering, but not playing is basically killing her. SO THAT'S FUN.

Some things about Meaghan:
  • She has 6 cats and they are her children. She probably always has a stray cat hair or 4 on her. She's not exactly a fashion plate.
  • One word to describe her: awkward. She's clumsy, isn't full of social graces, is uncomfortable on dates or in outings in general. She's a great friend and she really means well, but she's kind of a hot mess.
  • Her brother is Kirley Duke of Weird Sisters fame. Someone please play him! They are very close, he is her world and she is leaning on him a lot now that she's not playing quidditch.
  • Is even worse at dating than Laurie. She's had sex exactly once and it did not go well. :/