Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.

February 25th, 2016



Everyone's Favourite Hufflepuff Hero!


Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present everyone's favourite Hufflepuff Hero: Cedric Amos Diggory!

If your character is eighteen or over they will* have seen his face and his name splashed across the papers - because he was the first Triwizard Champion in over 200 years. Of course, it didn't stop there. He went into curse-breaking so every time a team he was part of returned some treasure to Gringotts there were pictures of Cedric in the papers again, holding chalices, shaking hands with goblins, etc. His dad's done his part to keep the fame going, often giving interviews 'on Cedric's behalf' while his son was out of the country. Cedric doesn't like it much but he doesn't say anything because it's his old man.

Cedric's a very, very proud Hufflepuff - and the papers have (until this point) painted him very much as the Hufflepuff Golden Boy, but he has a major Gryffindor side. He likes adventure and adrenaline. He's ALSO a total History of Magic geek, but he keeps that pretty quiet because he's convinced no one else is interested in the subject. If Binns were ever to give up the ghost, Cedric would be on that job opportunity like a shot because his dream career is totally Indiana Jones.

The latest news to thrill gossip columnists over the world is that perfect, precious Cedric got a girl pregnant out of wedlock! He's 'doing the right thing' by returning to the UK to raise his daughter Catherine alongside her mother (TBD) who Cedric will not be marrying no matter what Witch Weekly might have to say on the matter.

Cedric will literally be friends with everyone so PLEASE come at me with all the backstory you can imagine! He was Prefect and Quidditch Captain and though he's been out of the country almost non-stop since school he sends very nice postcards on a regular basis and would have invited anyone out to spend time with him while he was away (he was mostly in Greece).

ETA: Someone teach me to aim the enable cannon because Cedric needs his mum and 2 sisters back in his life pronto!

*The only exception to this rule that I can think of is David Shafiq.



Hello friends! It is Lily with my fifth character!

This is Nymphadora Tonks. She is a BAMF Auror Extraordinaire. Tonks is bubbly and outgoing and generally talks to everyone she can. She also goes hardcore on that Hufflepuff loyalty. If you are her friend, you are her forever friend. #dealwithit

I need all the things for her, so come at me bros.



Hey guys, this is just me announcing my semi-official hiatus while I am going to this place...

I'm leaving on a jet plane tomorrow with a departure of 8:30am, which means I have to be at the airport by 6:30-7 and up probably by 5:30. This will be the only time I actually want to be conscious early in the morning....

That being said, I will likely be around via AIM on my phone because this is a solo trip and I am a needy needy person, but tags will likely be sparse/in the evening before I crash. I WILL have a computer with me, but tagging won't be my first priority. Please be good for dragon!mod Jen.