October 24th, 2013

[info]i_wasblind in [info]reality_crisis


Mag stood there carefully, fingers touching gingerly over her lips as her eyes absorbed what seemed to be the rotting corpse of a very large, scaly, winged beast. What happened to it seemed gruesome, a fate that no creature should have to endure and yet she understood that it was necessary. The obvious disembowelment seemed extreme, even for such a ferocious looking creature, and the smell wafting from it was enough to make her stomach turn. The ground was coated in blood, and it seemed to not be a consistent pooling. Some of the blood was streaked across the sidewalk, there were footprints as if someone had walked through it....but who?

Had someone fought this creature and won? Had a man done this? A woman? Mag didn't understand who would want to challenge openly such a creature. It looked so mighty, like it could tear a simple human in half with it's jaws should it choose to do so. But it had been tormenting die Festung and Mag was glad that it was gone. The Chosen building was now void of its burden but did it have to end such?

With a labored breath due to the smell the ex-diva backed up a few steps still trying to process what exactly she was seeing, how it got there, and how it had ended up having succumbed to such a fate. This world was so unpredictable and she knew that, but this? She didn't understand it. Maybe she wasn't meant to. Maybe it was supposed to be beyond her level of reasoning and though she didn't like that she had no control over it.

Suddenly Mag wished for Carlos. She wished he was there to try to piece together what she was seeing.

Her eyes swirled with electricity, registering the sight of the beast as it lay there in a puddle of it's own blood. Perhaps she could show Carlos later, but how would he miss something like this? Something so massive just laying in the street left to rot? How could anyone miss it?

She hadn't been there for the initial battle and she was glad. She had been helping in another part of the City, helping people and children like usual.

She continued to step backwards slowly, taking her time to make sure her feet were touching stable ground, until she felt herself run into something gently. Instantly she closed her eyes and she held her breath.

[info]vworp in [info]reality_crisis

Meet the Doctor [Open!]

The TARDIS faded into reality with a familiar vworp! vworp! It connected solidly with the ground and moments later the door opened, releasing The Doctor and a plume of smoke. No matter that he pulled the door inward when the sign on the TARDIS clearly indicated that the doors were meant to be opened outward. It was habit.

"Amelia! Amelia! I worked out what it was! I know what I was missing!"

The Doctor hopped over the root of a ancient tree branch, running quickly through a patchwork of realities before he realized he was running through a patchwork of realities and was not, in fact, in the quaint front yard of a seven year old Scottish girl's English home.


Normally he would have been content to take a curious peek around, especially since, and this was odd for him, he didn't immediately recognize the time period. Sticking his tongue out in the air he tasted a mixture of prehistoric and twenty-first century air.

Turning on a heel he walked calmly back to the TARDIS, grabbed the handle and pushed.

She wouldn't open.

The Doctor tried using his key. He tried pulling. The TARDIS still didn't budge.

"No, no. Don't do that to me now." He leaned against the TARDIS, and being alone, spoke soothingly to her, tracing his fingers along the window. She was still rebuilding, or trying to. There was so much smoke!

Something was wrong with this world and if he was going to save Amelia he would have to take a slight detour and look around in this world first.

So he started running. His converse sneakers were only barely holding up. They'd been a brilliant footwear choice, excellent for running but part of the sole on his left shoe was slightly melted. Oops. None of his clothes were his own, not really, but he could stand to be raggedy for a bit longer.

Duel circulatory system and Time Lord physiology made running a bit easier than the average human. He tried taking in every detail he passed, but new body made it harder to focus or even coordinate. Instead of running through the gates into the first sign of (collapsing) civilization he ran into them and knocked himself unconscious.