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Previous 20

Dec. 13th, 2013


Living Arrangements (Mag)

Backdated to the day of arrival

They were no longer in a place with apartment buildings. Carlos could tell that they'd left the remains of the city and had ended up in the suburbs. It was a little surreal, because there were a lot of houses that were relatively untouched by whatever had gobbled up a good portion of the city between the last cataclysm and the most recent one. And yet, the grass was overgrown or dead in some places, the weather damage was apparent on the sides of some of the houses. It looked like a suburb given way to a ghetto, if he was being honest.

Still. It had been awhile since he'd been anywhere that had actual lawns. That was a little surreal.

There were sign-ups for housing. Belia, as usual, wanted her fingers in the pie and was rationing out houses. Which brought Carlos to a conversation that he would have preferred to have under different circumstances. Living together was a big step and it shouldn't be a choice made out of survival or because you were forced to uproot and choose new roommates. And yet, he wanted Mag close. He wanted to be able to wake up in the middle of the night and reassure himself that she was still in this world. He liked the idea of being able to come home to her after a long day out taking care of whatever this apocalypse had to throw at everyone.

So when the line to sign up for housing formed, he found his girlfriend and took her by the hand. There weren't many places for a completely private conversation, but they could at least take a few steps away from the crowd while they discussed this.

Nov. 27th, 2013


Attack of the snow dinosaurs! (Group thread, OPEN)

The entire group was halfway through their journey across the wilds when all hell broke loose, in a quite literal fashion. The temperature dropped quickly and snow started to fall at an alarming rate. On one end of the caravan, reality burst at the seams.

One of the trucks disappeared into the hole and the rest of the vehicles just barely stopped short. The ground started to vibrate and suddenly a loud roar could be heard nearby. A gigantic white mass moved from the direction of the hole in reality and started stomping around the caravan. Meanwhile, mounds of snow started forming into even more creatures that converged on the group and their supply trucks.

The largest of the creatures roared again, revealing a full set of snow-white teeth. The mounds of snow formed into dinosaurs that were about half the size of the largest dinosaur, ranging from the large Tyrannosaurus Rex formed out of snow to the smaller and faster Velociraptors.

A few screams rose up from the group below as people started to run in an attempt to avoid finding out if snow-dinosaurs could and would ingest them.

OOC: Just a little holiday crack!plot for you. Join in, create subthreads, and enjoy!

Nov. 16th, 2013


Trobairitz (Mag)

The excitement of meeting up with those in New Troy was tainted heavily by the loss of the place Evey'd begun to think of as home. There were myriad troubling things in die Festung, things she'd hoped to help change, but now that they were leaving, she felt a keen loss from it.

She put herself to use where she could, but the move had been relatively well organized. She could say that about Belia and her leadership, whatever other motivations she suspected of the woman. She caught sight of Carlos in the mill of people on the road, but as she sifted through the faces, there were some that were missing. She tried not to give up hope for those, but her rational mind prevented the comfort of that.

Ahead, a familiar, graceful figure slid in and out of view. Evey'd been meaning to catch up with Mag, but didn't think it'd be quite so literal. With a few hustled moments, she wended her way through the press of humanity until she made it to the side of the woman she'd come to think of as her neighbor... and her friend.

"How goes, Mag?" she asked, giving her a quiet smile.

Nov. 10th, 2013


Missing (Mag)

Carlos stayed behind until everyone was boarded onto the trucks and trailers that would take them all away from the remnants of die Festung. A few more chunks of the city had disappeared overnight. He realized once everyone and everything was loaded that he hadn't seen Harry or Murphy anywhere. A quick tracking spell was a dead end, which meant... Well, he knew damn well what it meant and it wasn't good.

He looked at the wall, which now had chunks that were taken over by prehistoric-looking plants, and then he looked at the group that was already starting to depart. He frowned.

There was no time to grieve. Not until he could do that on the move. He turned and hurried to join the group, looking for one particular familiar face. She had to still be here. He had to make sure of that. Had to touch her and hold her and possibly not let go for a good long while.

Oct. 24th, 2013



Mag stood there carefully, fingers touching gingerly over her lips as her eyes absorbed what seemed to be the rotting corpse of a very large, scaly, winged beast. What happened to it seemed gruesome, a fate that no creature should have to endure and yet she understood that it was necessary. The obvious disembowelment seemed extreme, even for such a ferocious looking creature, and the smell wafting from it was enough to make her stomach turn. The ground was coated in blood, and it seemed to not be a consistent pooling. Some of the blood was streaked across the sidewalk, there were footprints as if someone had walked through it....but who?

Had someone fought this creature and won? Had a man done this? A woman? Mag didn't understand who would want to challenge openly such a creature. It looked so mighty, like it could tear a simple human in half with it's jaws should it choose to do so. But it had been tormenting die Festung and Mag was glad that it was gone. The Chosen building was now void of its burden but did it have to end such?

With a labored breath due to the smell the ex-diva backed up a few steps still trying to process what exactly she was seeing, how it got there, and how it had ended up having succumbed to such a fate. This world was so unpredictable and she knew that, but this? She didn't understand it. Maybe she wasn't meant to. Maybe it was supposed to be beyond her level of reasoning and though she didn't like that she had no control over it.

Suddenly Mag wished for Carlos. She wished he was there to try to piece together what she was seeing.

Her eyes swirled with electricity, registering the sight of the beast as it lay there in a puddle of it's own blood. Perhaps she could show Carlos later, but how would he miss something like this? Something so massive just laying in the street left to rot? How could anyone miss it?

She hadn't been there for the initial battle and she was glad. She had been helping in another part of the City, helping people and children like usual.

She continued to step backwards slowly, taking her time to make sure her feet were touching stable ground, until she felt herself run into something gently. Instantly she closed her eyes and she held her breath.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Chase the morning...(Carlos LOG! TBC comments)

Mag couldn't help but hum softly to herself.

Ever since she had run into Peter in the cemetery she had not been able to release herself from the good feeling he had brought her. For a long time Mag was bound to music. It had consumed her life and she had finally been willing to give her life for it. Even here it had haunted her. But now, after the release of Chromaggia into the world Mag had felt her burden lift.

Here she felt no obligation to her talent. She didn't have to care about who was listening, being the face of a generation. She was free and while her burden would never truly cease she felt more at ease about revealing that part of her life to others.

Peter said music was hope, and he was right. These people needed all of the hope anyone had to offer and Mag's talent was a spring that hopefully would never dry up. She could only await the time that she could be truly able to share her voice with others. In the meantime, though, she would continue to do what she could. Especially for the people she cared about.

Mag had been spreading the word around the city in hopes that the city-born and Chosen alike would be as excited about the prospect of performance as she was. So far she had gotten a positive response from the locals she had mentioned it to.

For now she would put the idea behind her because there were more important things to do. Like visiting Carlos in hopes of getting a few moments with him. When they were apart she missed him dearly, though she was more than aware that they couldn't always be together in the same place at the same time. Both of their schedules kept them tied up and busy, but it was the little moments that they could capture together that mattered. )

Aug. 15th, 2013


Revolution (Mag, Carlos)

Evey'd been serious when she'd talked with Peter about winning die Festung over. But without action behind her ideas, all she had were her own thoughts. Change had to begin one person at a time. To win die Festung, she first had to win the Chosen.

That's one of the reasons why Evey stood knocking at Mag's door. There were many other things to do, but first, she'd see Mag. The woman had endured her helpless behavior after the earthquake -- she'd been kind and helpful, even when it was clear she felt out of sorts, herself. Evey owed Mag her gratitude.

And then there was the subject of Carlos. Evey hadn't seen the man since the earthquake, either, not with her own eyes at least. She knew her friend would be all right, at least physically. Peter had healed him. But as for the rest of him... It may have been that Evey was also at Mag's door because she was worried for Carlos and hoped for a read on him before she went to visit him as well.

She dropped her hand and waited.

Aug. 11th, 2013



"Tanto tempo fa,
Un uccello fatale di nome,
Incrociò in volo la freccia di un,
Lungo le coste di lava,
Per anni, pensando di essere,
Scappò dalla freccia,

The words left her lips like a breath of air as she sang into the stillness, eyes closed. Mag tilted her head, chin lifted so that her face was pointed at the sky. She stood in the middle of the cemetery, the only place that reminded her of her home, in both a way she hated and needed. It was the only place she found comfort, solace and peace despite what the cemetery really meant. For a woman who lived in a city built on the dead, she took comfort in the stillness. These people would never know Repo, they would never fall victim to being robbed of whatever essence it was that had a hand in making Zydrate, and they had never heard her sing this song.

The final song.

Her song.

Slowly, Mag opened her eyes and tilted her face so that instead of the sky she beheld all of the headstones that surrounded her. They were meaningless but beautiful, things in a world not her own.

She had chosen the graveyard for her song so as not to disturb anyone around her as she practiced. Singing was what she was born to do, and without it she felt void. But her aria was painful, reminding her of the bondage to the corporation she had lived through since she was nineteen.

Had she access to a calendar she would've noticed that she had missed her latest birthday. She would be forty two this year, and was now, though she didn't realize it or feel it. Age meant nothing in a world like this, and she would be alright with never knowing that she had to grow a year older, a year closer to death and another year more that she was stealing from the hand of Time. She wasnt aware, either, how very close to death she had come before arriving here, and perhaps that was a good thing. Maybe if she had known about her escaped fate she would've taken more care to see her life be more fulfilling. As it was, Mag was content with her life and despite the trials of this world she enjoyed her time more now than she had before she came here.

But it was hard to let go.

"Chromaggia, Chromaggia,
Perché non affronti il pericolo?
La freccia era legata all'ala,
E lei volva per liberarsene,

Tirando la freccia,
Altri son ferriti per mia colpa,
Mia colpa,

Giú! Verso la bocca del diavolo!
La sua freccia, I miei occhi.

As she reached the climax of the aria, Mag smiled. She wondered to herself what Rotti would've thought of the change of ending she had planned to sing at the opera that night. She had planned on allowing the whole world to see her take her own eyes as an attempt at her own freedom. She was aware of the consequences of her betrayal, but she had been willing to take the risk. Now....now she was glad she hadnt.

Emitting a sigh, Mag left the song unfinished. It needed no ending. Not yet.

Just like she needed no ending. Not yet.

She licked over her lips and moved to sit down on the ground for a moment, her eyes shimmering with memory as she pressed her back against the crumbling statue of a sobbing angel. She stretched her legs out before herself, and her hands fell to her lap as she settled.

Jul. 20th, 2013


Recovering (Mag)

Carlos woke up to bustle of nurses poking and prodding him with needles and trying to get him to take some sort of herbal brew. He didn't have much chance to ask about Peter or anyone else in between the care. And by the time the bustle around his room stopped, he had already fallen back asleep. He woke hours later, feeling a little groggy and with no doctor or nurse in sight.

He didn't like staying still for long. Especially when he was needed. He especially hated not knowing how Evey or Peter were doing. He also couldn't help but wonder how Mag was and where she was.

He stared up at the ceiling and concentrated, trying to will his aching body to start moving. Slowly, he sat up and started to get out of bed. He wasn't sure where he would start looking for the people that he wanted to check up on, but the hospital did seem like a good place to start.

Jun. 30th, 2013


Shreds of Hope (Mag, Carlos, Leeloo)

(Backdated to the night after the earthquake, and after this.)

The mental link Peter established with her some weeks ago was still in place, but it had never felt like this before. Evey found herself staring at her feet as she walked, not to see where she was going, but to help her make sense of the feedback coming from Peter. He'd always protected her from the confusion of trying to separate the actions of two bodies from a pair of joined minds. He wasn't struggling to put his feet in the right place, but she certainly was. Every step, she checked to make sure she was walking through the city, not hopping over that crack in the earth in front of Peter, not kicking a fallen log out of the way, not... There were some things Peter was doing, in his anger, that Evey couldn't possibly confuse with her own limbs. But to feel his arm raise, to feel his power channel through him and into whatever hapless piece of forest got in his way -- it was horrifying.

Thankfully, she'd stopped trying to talk with him -- and he was leaving her more or less alone, as well. The anger, the hatred flooding Peter's mind was taking its toll on Evey. She raked a hand through her hair and stopped, took a breath, and looked around her. It was a matter of focus, focusing on the things in front of her, separating out what she knew was not her present position, and moving in a way that made sense for her. It was tiring. And every step felt more and more hopeless.

She'd been standing motionless for about 10 minutes in the middle of the camp just outside the hospital. Someone was in front of her. In front of her? She rubbed at her temples and looked down at her feet. Then looked at the feet across from her.. Then checked her feet again. No, that was definitely someone standing in front of her. She looked up again and focused.


May. 28th, 2013


Tremble (Kitty, then Evey/Harry/Murphy/Thomas & Peter/Edward/Leeloo - OPEN!)

It'd become a strange sort of routine to sit on the floor against the wall her studio flat shared with Aidan's one-bedroom next door. Months ago, the rattling of the wall would tell her that he was in, and that he was struggling. Now, it was always quiet -- all the better for her to wrestle with the question she still couldn't answer for herself: Why hadn't she called Peter in the wilds? What was it that kept her from making reasonable decisions? And how could she avoid such foolishness in the future?

Peter was an ever-present force in her head, now, but he was letting her work this question out for herself. When she nudged a thought or perspective his way, he seemed to make only the mildest of judgments on it -- as if he knew something, but wanted her to work it out for herself. It was maddening.

When the shaking started, her heart leaped -- not out of fear, but out of a wholly irrational excitement. She knew Aidan wasn't in the next room, but for the first moment, she imagined...

And the second second, she was getting to her feet. Earthquake? It must be. Her duffel bag from her journey had been re-packed one night after she returned from finding Aidan. In it were supplies she'd found useful. Now, her thought was to add a few more pieces of clothing that would serve as makeshift bandages or just extra warmth for someone who needed it. She grabbed another pair of shoes - well-worn sandals - and threw them in before another hard shaking knocked her sprawling across her bed.

Without thinking about it, she knew that Peter was occupied at the hospital -- but wordless urging pushed her up again. He wanted her out, he wanted her safe. Evey wanted that too, and her mouth went twistingly wry as she lurched against the wall and used it for support. The front door was surprisingly far away. She'd made it to the couch just as a familiar person walked right through the wall beside her front door.

"What th--!" Another hard tremor sent her careening against the couch she'd just passed. This was ridiculous!

May. 21st, 2013


And so the earth shook...(Carlos)

(Takes place just a bit before the Earthquake)

Mag had no idea that all of die Festung was set for quite the surprise. The day started like any other, and just like in any usual day of her life (because you definitely couldn't use a term like normal to describe her day) she went out to help the people. The sun was warm on her pale skin, and her brown eyes shimmered with it. After the nightmare future glimpse, Mag had been reluctant in joining back into the group of people. She had been unsure where she really fit after that point but something in her demanded she get out and continue to help as best she could.

That was the voice she'd listened to and that was how she made it back out into the city and back to her existence before the glimpse.

She wasn't going to allow her spirit to be broken by a mere dream, and she knew Carlos wouldn't want her just hiding in her apartment with nothing to do. She decided it was best to assist until all of the work was done. At least she hoped that the people would remember all of the good things she had done when that time came. If it ever did. The glimpse wasn't specific as to exactly when (if it would happen at all) something might occur. But she wanted to at least make herself known that she wanted to help the people and didn't have any ill will against them.

As the day wandered into the afternoon and then he evening, Mag found herself diverting her path from the usual route she took. After entering the Chosen building, Mag walked through the first floor to the apartment that Carlos had mention he lived in. Mag had yet to visit his place, usually they went to hers or out somewhere. It was a little exciting, the prospect of seeing Carlos' apartment for the first time. They hadnt really established what they were as far as a label, but Mag didn't feel that they should rush into any sort of an official title. She wasn't even exactly sure where Carlos stood in terms of them being together. She wasn't opposed to anything, welcomed the company and the interaction, but she didn't want Carlos feeling pressured so she simply didn't bring it up.

Mag paused outside of Carlos' door, waiting for a moment. She hoped she wasn't intruding. What if he wasn't even home or didn't have time to visit? It wouldn't matter. Even seeing him for a brief second was enough. She missed him dearly while he was gone. Slowly, Mag lifted a hand and knocked gently on Carlos' door. Her eyes flashed and shimmered, swirling as she waited anxiously to see if he would open his door.

Apr. 4th, 2013


Just wanna play...(Sam M.)

Mag took a breath.

Things had all come crashing down in her in one moment. Carlos had come to put a protection spell on her door, with the exception of letting her friend Shiloh into her apartment. Then they had talked about the rules: no verbal greetings, don't take in strangers...and then there was the talk about the dreams. Dream? More like a vision. An insight into the future. How long it was into the future she wasn't sure but it seemed not to sit very well with Carlos. She wasn't fond of the idea of war either, especially when the fight was potentially against the city she was currently living in.

It was frightening.

She was glad for Shiloh's company. The dog always knew how to keep Mag calm. She reveled in the presence of the canine more than most people would. Shiloh didn't care about war, or strange visions. He wasn't concerned about the lives of people or the city itself. At least Mag hoped the dog had different things on his mind other than people problems.

He was a great friend and companion. She had gotten lucky when she found her dog friend. Mag hoped Carlos wouldn't try to leave Shiloh behind when, or if, they decided to leave the city. She couldn't be without her furry friend, unless Shiloh just didn't want to leave.

She didn't want to consider that anymore.

Getting to her feet, Mag stretched and looked over n the direction of the apartment where her furry canine friend was laying, offering the dog a smile. "C'mon boy. Lets go outside and play. We could use some sunshine. What do you say?" All she could do was hope the dog was eager enough about leaving the apartment as she was.

It was a perfect day. Why not enjoy it?

Mar. 22nd, 2013


Protection (Mag)

Carlos had mentioned protective wards for Mag's apartment over dinner. It had taken him a few days to get everything together for the spells. He arrived at her door a few days later, arms filled with supplies. It would take awhile to put together a proper protection spell, but he was determined to do that for her. They had already seen proof that the wall around die Festung wasn't safe. Even if it was airtight, there was always the potential danger with the people inside the wall. The glimpse Carlos had seen had reminded him that there was always a chance that the people of die Festung might turn on them.

He supposed that needed to warn Mag about what he'd seen. The trouble was that he didn't know how to explain it. He had a pretty strong feeling that it was a future glimpse, though he couldn't say why or how. He just knew that he needed to do what he could to keep the people he cared about safe for whenever things went down.

He knocked on Mag's door, glancing down at the doggie door and wondering when he'd get to meet the creature that she'd adopted. There was a small smile at the thought of her apparent soft spot for strays.

Feb. 28th, 2013


Second dates and things (Mag)

The future glimpse-if that's what that was-wasn't far from Carlos's mind. There was a lot to turn over in his head. The first concern was in trying to figure out how they'd gotten to a point where attacking die Festung was something they were actually planning. What had happened to set the chosen against one of the only remaining colonies of humans left in this world? Worse than that, had he even been on the right side in that glimpse?

On a less urgent but still confusing note, there was the ring that Carlos had noticed on his left hand. He hadn't had much time for dating back home. And it wasn't like this place allowed much time for any sort of domestic bliss. Had that been a wedding ring? And if so, who did the other ring belong to?

He was doing his best not to think about that, but even a little glimmer of hope that this world wasn't doom and gloom caught his attention and refused to let go. The thought of having someone to go home to. Someone who cared enough to want him around for a lifetime's worth... he couldn't deny that there was a little part of him that wanted that.

He also didn't know what to expect with Mag or if the ring somehow had to do with her, but he knew that that first kiss had been great and he should have followed up sooner than this. It wasn't that he meant to be a jerk. It was just that there had been one thing after another. If only there were flower vendors in this city. Instead, he showed up at her door with a bag of food as a peace offering.

Carlos raised an eyebrow in surprise at the doggy door on the woman in question's apartment. He wondered where she'd found a pet and when that had happened as he lifted his hand to knock.

Feb. 20th, 2013


Losing sight..(Narrative)

Mag had been working through a few things in the broken city she now called her home. The adjustment to her new life hadn't been easy but finally she was beginning to welcome the sun and the things that her day brought, despite any homesickness she might've still felt. She missed the stage more than anything. She missed the lights, the marquee and the people that came to hear her sing. But that part of her life was over now, and she had to accept it for what it was. Being bound to the stage by blood wasn't something she wanted. She had a good life here, and she wasn't about to regret anything she had done here or before she came. Those things had transformed her into the person she was, and still was becoming.

Mag found herself outside that day, the usual routine of making herself useful. She hadnt seen her canine friend anywhere, nor had she seen Carlos for a few days but that wasn't particularly uncommon and she wasn't about to go hunting for either the canine or the man. They would find her when they were ready. She did miss them both when they were out of sight, but they would find her when they were ready.

It had only taken a few moments of asking around to find that one of her usual dining haunts needed help cleaning up, and she volunteered without hesitation. She had been taking her time stacking plates together, and had yet to pick them up from the table when something unusual happened. Her eyesight went completely black, and her body froze as the initial reaction, causing her to look more like a statue than an actual human to anyone that would walk past and notice her.

As her vision darkened and her brown eyes held a dull, lifeless look to anyone that noticed she had changed, her vision finally began to clear though it was still extremely hazy. Instantly, she had a headache. What she didn't notice was the way her eyes seemed to flicker. The blue that usually swirled in them that caused her to be able to project images was malfunctioning. With that, the pupil itself was heavily dilated and the cloud within it had expanded, which caused her vision to be very hazy. Her blindness was trying to re-surface as her eyes could no longer withstand the atmosphere of this world.

Her eyes rolled in their sockets, trying to combat the haze, causing her instantly to be frightened. Why couldn't she see? She couldn't quite make out where she was, and she thrust her left hand outwardly to try and steady herself. She did catch a glimpse of something on her finger, squinting desperately as she lifted her hand close to her face, able to make out the outline of a ring. A ring? Was she married? Was she still with Carlos? Was there someone else? Why was this happening? That ring hadnt been there before and now she was confused as well as frightened.

"Is anyone there?" She called, sticking her hand back out into the empty air, trying to listen for any kind of a response. Slowly she shuffled forward, trying to make out the blur of the things around her. She didn't notice the tears that slowly cascaded down her face, a silent response to what she was experiencing.

After what seemed to be a lifetime of confusion, the equivalent of only fifteen minutes, Mag closed her eyes. Her ears captured familiar sounds of the establishment she was in to begin with, and once her eyes had opened again she was staring down at the stack of plates that she had been looking at when her vision had blackened. She lifted her hand up, looking at it, seeing it free of jewelry of any kind.

"What? What happend?" She breathed, confused.

"Mag, are you alright? You're crying." One of the women in the cafe asked of her, and she hadnt noticed the tears before. Offering the woman a smile, she nodded, "I'm fine, thank you." With that, Mag scooped up the plates and carried the stack to the kitchen, mind racing.

She had to find Carlos and tell him what happened. Maybe he would know what to do.

Feb. 14th, 2013


Door for one more....(Narrative)

Mag had given it a good amount of thought over the week previous, and despite enjoying the anticpation of that soft scratching at her door, the time had come to install one for the canine. She wasn't always at her apartment to let him in, and she didn't want him to feel as if she were turning him away nor was she able to bear the thought of him waiting in the hallway or out in the cold because he had no other place to go.

So, Mag mustered up the courage to finally approach Belia and inquire if it was possible for a dog door to be installed on to her own front door, so that her canine friend could come and go as he pleased, with or without Mag having to be at home.

She went to the place that was a bit familiar to her, where she had gone the first time after meeting Carlos, and despite not having met Belia on her first trip, she was able to meet with the woman this time, who granted her the request.

Now, after having the small flap installed on the door, one just the right size to accomodate her new furry friend, Mag felt satisfied. She had helped this dog, and would treat it the way it deserved, starting with giving it a place to be. She enjoyed it's company a great deal, and so having the capability of seeing the dog when it decided to come around was thrilling.

She hoped that the next time her furry friend came around, he would appreciate the entry way she had created just for it.

Jan. 19th, 2013


Getting back into the swing of things....(Carlos)

There seemed to have been some sort of crisis, something that Mag didn't entirely understand. Walking dead? She knew what the concept entailed, the dead rising from where they had been laying to once more walk the Earth. It sounded like something out of a story, but then she recalled that when she first arrived at this strange place, the guards here had explained to her that she herself was fictional. So, she figured that anything could be possible. The fact that she was fiction had been a hard thing to swallow, and Mag still wasn't sure if she believed that entirely, but why would someone lie about that? Who would want to make a movie of her life? Much less watch something so dark and tragic? She certainly wouldn't want to watch something like that, especially not about the world she came from. Who could ever find that interesting? She pushed the thought from her mind instantly, and decided that the time was right to finally leave her apartment, the place she had been staying as the mayhem from the 'zombie' attack settled. That is what the citizens had been calling the monsters, zombies. What a strange name.

It had kept Mag from her daily rounds of the city, and she hoped that during the event nobody had gotten hurt. She tried desperately to stay out of situations like that, considering she wasn't going to be any good to anyone in the event of a catastrophe, and so staying where she was safe seemed like the most practical of things to do. She stayed in. It gave her a chance, as well, to do some cleaning, which proved to be both challenging and relaxing.

Finally, Mag had left her apartment, descending the stairs slowly in her heels, listening to the sound echo against the walls as she moved, finally reaching the bottom level. She pushed open the door, and stepped into the foyer, pulling her jacket tighter around her frame before heading out into the snowy evening. She hadn't forgotten her friends, and hoped that they all were well, and that they all were outside too so she might see them. She didn't have many friends, really, but she considered the few she had as such and she cherished them. She wondered what they had been up to, if they had seen the zombie creatures, and what had become of the creatures all together. That sure was a curious subject.

Slowly, Mag made her way through the city, arriving at the small cafe she had met Maurice at, not seeing the old man there in his usual spot in the bean bag near the fire, but she opted to wait for him, hoping he would show. She wanted to tell him that she had been to see Rosie again, and she knew that he would appreciate hearing the story. Much as she had appreciated him telling her about himself and his late wife in the first place.

She crept over to the small coffee table which had the vacant bean bag settled lop-sidedly next to it, before sitting in a small wooden chair on the opposite side, where she had sat many times before, grateful for the warmth of the fire, despite the open mouth of the cafe itself. It was comforting, the warmth, and she was glad that she had decided to venture back out into the city, and had been unaffected by the recent outbreak of walking dead. She hoped that others had been as fortunate as she, trying to stay positive.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


A real love story....(Open)

Trying to find an actual occupation in a world that held about nothing at all save for a handful of people was quite difficult, especially considering the obvious heirarchy of those called the Chosen over the actual city-born, those that were there both before and after whatever happened to this world to make it the way it currently was. Mag wasn't one to judge the world, or worlds, of anyone else considering this one, as broken as it was, was much better than the one she had come from, despite not being established in this city the way she would like to be. With that said, Mag kept her spirits high and took to the streets of die Festung, searching for anything that needed her attention, because she wasn't going to allow herself to just sit back and wait for something to happen, nor was she the type that would let things just come to her in good time. She was eager, and willing to help, should anyone city born be able to see past her Chosen status and welcome her assistance.

Despite the weather conditions, Mag bundled herself up as best as she could and left her apartment each day to tackle the things that lay ahead for her in the city, caring only of the people that lived, worked and survived around her, not asking for anything at all from them in return, though they seemed so willing and ready to give should she only open her lips and ask. She stumbled upon a small, hole in the wall sort of cafe, which could not have been a better term for it considering it literally had an entrance that seemed to be a large gaping hole, though somehow a prosperous citizen had transformed it into some make-shift diner where patrons of all types, city-born as well as the revered Chosen could come, sit and dine with each other should they choose to venture in that part of the city. Mag, of course, had dared, and that was how she ended up there, day after day. Upon first arrival, a small step over a crumbling brick ledge, Mag found herself inside of this cafe of sorts, a scattered few settled amongst the small tables that had been dragged in from various parts of the city itself, and though the building had a roof over it, flakes of snow had managed to slither inside and had begun to pile up in one corner closest to the entrance, as well as upon one of the tables in the establishment. The furniture was random, as were the assortment of patrons, those that dined on plates filled with the city's mystery meat, or scraps of granola bars, their bodies settled in various types of chairs that included a small childs school chair, a pink plastic hard backed chair that had a hole singed in the neon back, a few kitchen chairs that may have been dragged from an apartment, a recliner of sorts and a bean bag.

Not all of the seats were spoken for, but a few of them had residents, and all of the patrons had seemed to be in groups, save for one older gentleman, one whom seemed more feeble than the rest, whom was settled in the bean bag that had been absently plopped next to a lowered coffee table upon which the man was currently dining. Mag spotted him instantly, him seeming to be the lonliest looking man she had ever laid her electric blue eyes upon, and she didn't hesitate to approach him.

Every day, it was the same thing, Mag appeared in this cafe, sat with the old man, and they talked. At first the initial engagement hadn't been so simple, she was a stranger and a Chosen citizen of this city, and yet there seemed a need in both of them for a friend. He took to her almost immediately after deciding that she wasn't going to hurt him, and something between them blossomed. In good time, it was like Mag had always known this man, he was simple and kind, and still so in love with the woman that he had lost to whatever had happened to this city.

"You know, Magdelene, my Rosie would've liked you.." Maurice, the older man, often said to her, in the kindest of ways, causing her eyes to light up and her cheeks to flush, no matter how many times he told her. She wanted to meet his love, his Rosie, but she was deceased and Mag could tell that he missed her deeply. They had been married for over fifty years, and had lived in this city together with their small family until the things here occurred, which caused Maurice to lose everyone except himself. He didn't know anything about what had happened, only that things were different as far as life went in the city after that. Things had gotten rough, and hopeless, like the times he had had as a boy back in the country he was from before relocating to this city, which had once been prosperous.

Over the course of what seemed to stretch it's way into two weeks, a day at a time, Maurice had grown to adore the mysterious woman with the even more intriguing eyes, offering her a scrap of an old photograph of himself and his Rosie, the woman he loved with every fiber in his whole body, and Mag accepted it from him. She was beautiful, this woman, and seemed to be so strong, and yet she had abandoned the man she loved for worlds unknown. It was almost too sad to bear.

That was how she ended up at the cemetary, one without a name, just something the citizens here had erected in honor of those that they loved which had passed. That was one thing this world and Mag's own had in common, they buried their dead, though in Mag's world, it was a privledge to be buried. Most of the people that died did so because they couldn't pay, and it was to the pit with their corpses. No, this was something much simpler, more beautiful, and the snow only seemed to enhance it. Maurice had brought her the first time, to show her where Rosie lay, one of the small, unmarked bumps in the ground that he had been to visit every day since her passing. Mag found that to be completely remarkable, how dedicated he was to come back day after day, but what else could you do at such an age? To be with someone for so long and lose them, only to spend your days yearning for them? It was so sad, yet so beautiful. People often took love for granted, and of course there were people like she herself that had never known a true love like that of Maurice and Rosie.

She stood there, in the snow, infront of the bump that Maurice had insisted held the woman he loved, holding their scrap of a picture in her cold, pale fingers. She came every day to say hello to Rosie, with or without her friend Maurice, caught up in the fairytale of their seemingly perfect but tragic story. It was almost too much, and yet she found that if she didn't come to see Rosie, part of her felt empty. She was compelled to visit, to stay and talk, and to try to know the woman in the ground, the one who's lover missed her so dearly.

It was almost like a story, and Mag was reading carefully through every page, though the pages seemed stained in blood.

She sighed, the warm air of her breath colliding with the cold air that surrounded her, trying to push her back into the warm sanctuary of her apartment, but she didn't move. She lingered on, holding that picture in her fingers, hoping one day to really, truly understand what made the human heart so naive, and yet so perfect.

Especially in such a world as this.

Dec. 19th, 2012


T'is the season.....(Carlos)

Mag had been having trouble sleeping lately, still trying to get adjusted to being in a new world, without all of the things she was used to, and Shiloh had been on her mind as well. She felt guilty leaving the young girl behind, but it wasn't like she had had much of a choice in the matter. She hadnt asked to come to this world, but she was grateful that she had, so she couldn't complain too much. So, instead of trying to relax and get to sleep, Mag was wide awake, peering through the window at the flurries of snow that were cascading onto the Earth, covering it in blankets of white. Everywhere there seemed to be festivities going on, children playing in the streets, all if the things people did when the snow fell.

It wasn't before too long that Mag was outside, enjoying the snow, trying to become part of the world she was now destined to live in. Slowly, she made her way over the snow, across the street, where a group of children were playing. She was wearing a black maxi dress, the boots she had come to this world in with a heel, and a black puffy jacket. She approached the children, whom were attempting to make a snowman, offering to help. "May I help you?" She asked them, and it was before too long they had the makings of a snowman in the works.

Mag was naturally matronly, though she had no children of her own, she loved children more than anything. They rolled the snow until the bottom part of the snowman was built, makeshift and lop-sided, but it was theirs, and soon they had a middle and then a top.

"Find some rocks, for the eyes, nose and mouth." Mag instructed one of the children, whom nodded and skipped away to find rocks. She waited patiently, listening to the soft laughter of other children, as well as music that wafted on the breeze from the square where they seemed to be having some kind of party. Mag was glad that the city was so active and festive.

One of the children came back with a hand full of rocks, and she passed them out to all of the children, teaching them to place them in the appropriate spots, creating the face of the snowman. One of the children handed Mag their hat, causing Mag to laugh as she placed the small hat ontop of the head of the snowman. Once it was done, Mag stepped back to look at it, satisfied. She sighed, and looked over her work, glad she had helped them.

"Thanks ma'am!" The children said, before they ran away excitedly. That warmed her heart. She loved helping children.

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