January 8th, 2014

[info]leeloominai in [info]reality_crisis

A Bright Spot of Night (Eric)

Enough time had passed, by now, that Leeloo worried Eric might be upset with how she'd disappeared. There were many reasons why her nights had not been free. She should have found the time to sneak out at least once since their relocation, but she hadn't. She hadn't found that time.

And so, at last, when the night was deep enough and the stars were in their right places, Leeloo finally did make that time tonight. The winter was still hearty and unashamed, but it had been worse before. She ventured out into the new settlement streets, ventured out into the dead suburban night, her frame swathed in layers that sealed in her warmth.

She couldn't count on finding Eric tonight, and they didn't have a wall or even a centralized place to meet. But she hoped, hoped, that she could find him all the same. And so her wandering around the streets began.