October 23rd, 2013

[info]wayward_soldier in [info]reality_crisis

Finding (Dean, Fred)

Most people didn't return to the building after the dragon started using the roof for a bed. Which meant that Sam had no way of knowing where his wife, his brother, or Cas were. Buildings and people had disappeared. Entire chunks of the city that had been a safe haven for them. It didn't sit well and he was fighting off panic as he looked.

He couldn't help but think that things had been too good before this had happened. Perhaps he'd gotten complacent. Perhaps he'd forgotten who he was for a little while. Forgotten that Winchesters weren't supposed to get happy endings. Particularly not the Winchester who had brought on the apocalypse and done so many things that were unconscionable. It didn't matter what his original intentions had been. As he'd once told Dean, it wasn't the road to Heaven that was paved with good intentions.

He finally decided to check some of the likely haunts for Fred and Dean, starting with the garage. If his brother was anywhere, it would be making sure that the Impala hadn't been swallowed up by one of the holes in reality.

[info]i_bringdeath in [info]reality_crisis


Being incapable of death meant that one could do many things. There were no limitations to what could be done and Eric seemed to be taking full advantage of that fact. Fighting a dragon proved that Eric pushed his ability to the extreme but it wasn't like he had extensive knowledge of exactly what it was he could do. However by pushing limits and testing boundaries he figured out just what he was capable of. And Eric knew that Leeloo probably believed in him more than he did in himself, which was warming. He didn't want to let her down and he wouldn't as long as he could help it.

The night had fallen over die Festung and the aftermath of the dragon was one to revel in. Eric was just glad the thing was gone. It was still laying where he had left it, a symbol of they predictable danger that lurked in the deepest realms of this world, but it served as a beacon as well. A signal that staked claim on die Festung. They would not be pushed around by any beast. Nothing would harm them as long as the Chosen could help it. Eric wasn't going to make himself available to Belia unless it was dire but at least she could rest a bit easier that night knowing her people were safe again. How long that would last he couldn't say, but it was something.

The crow soared overhead, the silent watchman. It flew in slow circles around the broken city to keep an eye out for anyone that may need help. Eric stood in the shadow of a building below patiently as the bird surveyed the sky.

Eric waited for Leeloo, to see if she would come. He wouldn't blame her if she didn't. He had kept her from Peter for quite a while and Eric had felt the bond they had kindled. Eric couldn't steal Leeloo away from that any more than he could something precious from someone that deserved it. What Leeloo did was her own business and Eric wouldn't stop her. Couldn't stop her, but he would respect her decisions and thus keep their friendship as close as he could to his heart.

Overhead the bird noticed a small glow coming from a building nearby. It seemed like a fire. It burned hot and bright against the night and curiously Eric stepped through the shadows. Now clean he moved with more determination to the source of the blaze. They didn't need a fire to get out of control here if it could be prevented, but he wouldn't take away someone's attempt at warmth, either.

He followed the bird and rounded a corner, the bright orange light dancing off of the crumbled bricks of the structure. He stopped to wait, to listen.