Jan. 28th, 2012


A new day, a new city. (Ivy)

They had been taken to another city after they'd been taken out of the fighting ring and cells. For most people this would be a relief but to Bruce it wasn't the right city and he didn't know enough about the political situation in this new world to decide on what he was going to do. He wasn't comfortable without a clear path in front of him.

The only thing he could think of was maybe if they solved what was wrong with this world he could go back to his city. Back to Gotham and Alfred. Rachel and Harvey were gone leaving him the scapegoat of everything that was wrong but without him there who would end up the scapegoat now?

Bruce needed to know more about the people he was here with. That decided he left to go see which ones he could find.

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Rescue (tag all in New Troy and rescuers)

It seemed to be an ordinary night in New Troy. The prisoners had been dumped back into their cells after they'd been sedated at the end of the battle royale. The ratings had been higher than ever for the airings of the battle. New Troy was fortunate to still have working electricity to some extent and a lot of effort went into making sure appropriate entertainment was lined up to keep its' citizens happy and distracted from the fact that their world was crashing down all around them.

There were guards stationed watching the entrances, and a few scattered inside the wall. There were currently only two guards outside the cells where the chosen were being kept prisoner. All of them had been left in their cells without any medical attention. Dr. Lucius was already thinking about the next bout of entertainment and was content to let them suffer in their maimed states for awhile. They had been getting too organized. They'd been thinking for themselves too much.

Unfortunately for New Troy, none of the guards saw the rescuers coming until it was too late...

Jan. 3rd, 2012


What A Prize [Lucius & the Archive]

The girl had been spotted almost as soon as she'd arrived. It was a stroke of luck that had brought her to New Troy. It had taken a little while to determine who exactly she was, but once they had... well, Lucius knew that fortune was smiling upon the camp. She would prove most useful. He'd made sure that the girl-the Archive-was set up with a well-appointed room. It was well guarded, though it did not appear to be a prison. He'd forbade his guards from writing down any instructions, or anything whatsoever that might tip her off. One tiny mistake and all would be lost.

For now, he was here for her. He would make sure she was protected, well cared for. And in exchange, he would gain access to all of the knowledge to be had. )