January 15th, 2016



[No Subject]

To: Trace
From: Jayjay

[1/3] hey
[2/3] forgot to tell you I'm back
[3/3] idk how much you've heard but Liam lost an eye and I'm taking care of him



04 ✰ ksingh

hi everyone, how are you holding up? anyone need anything? i have two arms if anyone's looking for a hug or five.
hey sweetheart, how's interim captaincy?
thanks for checking up on them, and jim. you didn't have to.



005 ✦ GAHN

Hi, guys. Just checking in to see how you're all doing.

There's nothing new on the captain yet, but he seems to be relatively stable rather than declining precipitously, which is good. He lost a lot of blood and his body went into shock, and it's having a hard time pulling out of it. I'm sure he'll appreciate knowing so many of you have come to visit him. The nurses have been commenting on how nice it is that he has all these people who care about him, and having that kind of positive, caring energy in the room can possibly even help him. It certainly can't hurt.
There's a book on my dresser. Do you think you could bring it by?



005 ♡ ngarland

this week has been really shitty. Shitty with a capital S.
I'm gonna corner you and handcuff you to the bed if you don't get some rest!!!!!