December 20th, 2015




"We have a situation. Requesting immediate support in the engine room from all crew members to assist with subduing of the octopus. I repeat, requesting immediate assistance. It's taking over everything."



tdawes 003


How are you holding up?


Plans for the Christmas period?


How are you What's your captain's preferred poison? Also, welcome back.

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Weirdest Christmas themed thing you've ever seen?



kcopeland 7.


I'm coming back to the ship tonight.

[/end filter]

I need someone who can take care of themselves (and me as well) if necessary to accompany downtown sometime since the kidnappers weren't nice enough to wait until I'd finished my Christmas shopping first. I can compensate you for your time by either cooking or baking you a dish of your choice, or by giving you some pointers at the shooting range if applicable.



[No Subject]

[...] are [...] either of you [...] going to [...] make christmas food [...] for [...] the crew [...] before people [...] goes on leave for the holiday? because i might or i won't idk yet