November 27th, 2015


003. ECorte-Real


Might a little captain request some of your time?


Even if you're sick of me, dear ones, I'd prefer it if you checked in regularly. This little prank at the HQs could be just that or more. Don't stray too far.

[added later;] [ELYSIAN]

Twenty minutes.



02 → jphan. boss lady is pissed.

As many of you are now aware, two days ago we were on the receiving end of a rather juvenile joke that, most fortunately, did not end with casualties. We are currently investigating how the package was delivered so carelessly into the building, and will be interviewing anyone within the proximity of the building and lobby between 1000 and 1230 on Wednesday morning. Please step forward if you have any pertinent information that may aid in the investigation. Even the smallest details can count.

As for what all of you may or may not have heard, there will be no tolerance for the spreading of rumors of any nature. Do not ask your reporting officers for details. Do not ask security for details. This is a closed investigation at present until we can determine the possible level of danger.

Continue with your assignments as usual. Any concerns are to be passed onto your reporting officer. That is all.
Report any suspicious behavior within your crews or in the vicinity of HQ directly to Vanya and his security team. More delicate matters will come straight to me. I am not ruling out the possibility of an inside job. Should there be protests, it's simply routine.