November 22nd, 2015



003 ✪ zwei




i'm sorry for her???

TO: jimmy 💀
[1/6] i'm bored where are you let's drink
[2/6] starting without you
[3/6] bloody fucking shit i look so good right now
[4/6] hang on
[5/6] [three topless selfies in quick succession with expressions of varied seriousness]
[6/6] [........] shIT WRONG NUMBER

TO: jaime 👽
[1/3] oh fuck
[2/3] i may've just sent jim tit pics by accident
[3/3] can you go delete them before he reads them and gets pissed off at me thanks



002 ✦ GAHN

How are you all, and how are your crews? I hope everyone is recovering from their injuries after that last bounty. It was an exciting one, wasn't it?

I don't have anything terribly important to say, but I wanted to check up on everyone and also pass along a very interesting article, if anyone wants to read it. New Strides In Artificial Cell Regeneration from this month's Mars Medical Sciences Research Journal. It's a bit dense, but I found it really fascinating. It's wonderful to see the strides that science is taking these days. It feels like we're starting to finally enter an era when society is more interested in advancements to better lives than simply surviving and making do. Now, let's hope their next strides are to make these advancements more affordable and accessible to the ordinary people, hmm?

Alright, another check-in: pain levels, headaches, any lingering issues? Don't make me come hunt you down. I have reading to do.