October 20th, 2015



jellis ✿ 001

So what's everyone's plans for Halloween? I've been hearing about this super secret exclusive party on Tijuana, but it sounds like the sort of thing that's either several levels of illegal or too good to be true. Anyone got a lead on it. I wonder if I should dress up anyway. Sometimes I feel a bit too old for that sort of thing, but it kinda cheers me up you know? Like, going back to your childhood when you could walk around under a cardboard pretending to be a super deadly spy and nobody would give you grief about it. I would totally rock an eyepatch though. Maybe even a fake cigar, I can't stand the real thing.

Maybe we could do themed parties! One per ship, and then we compare which ship did it best. I bet Sex on the Beach would probably go with a Beach Party theme, and they'd probably beat us all because they live and breathe the act. And who knows what else (sorry, SoB! wait that sounded even worse Sex on the Beach!).

Who's going to the graduation anyway? I find it amusing that half the people that go are forced to and the other half usually end up talking about who wore what and who's getting more tattoos/wrinkles/pounds/white hairs. I mean people are graduating! Better check out who might be a new crewmate or the competence! I was thinking on assisting and maybe grabbing some ice cream on the way out. I know just the place. Also kind of need to order basically all the hygiene related items again because I don't trust anything in the ship anymore. Don't worry guys, I'll make sure everything's in order.



001 ♡ mgonzalez

You are all a sight for sore eyes. It was sososo good to see your faces at the graduation ceremony today. While you're all docked here at HQ, remember that I'm here if you need me, any time any day! Medics, please make sure to have all your paperwork for me by the end of the month or Kaj will call me a workaholic :(!

Hi everyone. This is a reminder that if you're looking to get time off to go back home at the end of the month, request forms will need to be handed in by Friday this week if you haven't done it already. You can pass them to me and I'll get them to Jadz Director Phan ASAP. I'll sneak them onto the top of the pile on her desk Oops, she can see this :(




congrats, autumn grads of '71! you all looked gorgeous today!!

and to the wedgie picker in the front row, don't think i didn't see you. you better be thanking reggie for taking the heat off you.

jai!!!! what are you up to, let's go celebrate! unless your new crew needs you, of course.



INK ϟ 002

They really need to make worse chairs.

So I was thinking...
You up for some sparring? While we have the time and all.



02 ✘ cvance. r u sick of him yet

We got a live one. His name is Jai Mehra. Engineer. Don't even think about giving him a hard time or I'll make you feel sorry that you did. Crew meeting on the bridge at 0900 tomorrow, and I expect you all to be there.
And you're bunking with him. He might ask a lot of questions. Direct him my way if it's too much.

[....] When do you want your
Mehra, right?



002 ★ STAR

alright bear with me.
→ jim has stated that he's the toughest shit in the rac, so i'm holding like a little competition of sorts. winner gets paid 100 woolongs. of course, jim gets to decide the challenge or whatever. point is, beat up james wu and you get 100 woolongs.
→ speaking on competitions. my brother thinks he's the better than me and clearly i have to prove him wrong. we're facing off at the beach. pls come watch me beat his face in with a volleyball. also i need a team. thanks. ireland you're not invited.

[FRIENDS; apply liberally. so basc everyone]
after party at jordan's on halloween! who's coming?? we're playing roomba beer pong. i'm also probably shoving cody into a bathtub. and we've got to show pendleton the meaning of christmas halloween. so i'm guessing that night we're eating, going club hopping, then end the night getting wrecked at jordan's.



⭐︎ kdavenport

home sweet home

you gonna visit your mum while we're here?

ganymede shopping list so far:
• tequila
• cigs
• new magazines (state preferences below)
• toothpaste because we are OUT (looking at you, noa)
• porn (state preferences below)
• candy corn
hey babe ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)