Title: Man in Black
Author: tweedygal. No beta on this one...it was a last-minute thing!
Category: In Babylon
"Halloween at Babylon! Such a gay affair," gushed Emmett, adjusting his bustier.
"That's just
life for you, Em," remarked Ted.
"Hallelujah and amen!" smiled Emmett, prancing off.
your costume?" Ted asked Brian, who slouched sullenly against the bar.
Brian gestured to himself, wearing his obligatory black. "Right here. Hottest man in Pittsburgh."
Ted rolled his eyes.
Justin sauntered up; a black eye mask his only concession to a costume.
He grinned. "Let me guess. Hottest man in Pittsburgh?"
For the first time that night, Brian smiled.
"You got it." He kissed Justin hungrily. "Now, let's get out of here."