Jun. 19th, 2009



WOW...look at all these GOODIES. OMG...SO EXCITING!!!!!!

While I haven't finished reading all the posts myself, I wanted to get this master list up ASAP. Enjoy and please, I beg you, leave some love in these posts. Afterall, it's all about teh love!

BANNER by [info]qafmaniac

LOST IN TRANSLATION - A Series of Drabbles by [info]noteverything

ICONS by [info]selenebj

TIRED - drabble by [info]ahaw9913

IF ONLY, IF ONLY: A Picspam by [info]eebee

BANNERS AND ICONS by [info]michira_70

NEVER - a drabble by [info]ahaw9913

BANNER by [info]nerilka24

CHICKEN SOUP by [info]etextraordinary

ICONS by [info]maybe742

BANNER by [info]qafmaniac

CUDDLE COLOR BAR by [info]kari77

CUDDLE BUDDIES - A Comic by [info]noteverything & [info]happier_bunny

ICONS by [info]qafmaniac

ALL I WANT by [info]jule1122

ICONS by [info]ohfreckle

CUDDLE DRAWING by [info]andybj

IMPERFECT - a drabble by [info]ahaw9913

CUDDLE DAY VID by [info]qafmaniac

ICONS AND BANNER by [info]pfodge

NOT-QUITE-A-DRABBLE by [info]happier_bunny

***if I missed a post please comment with the url and I'll add it!